Life is a journey and you never know as an expecting mother if - TopicsExpress


Life is a journey and you never know as an expecting mother if this will be you. I have known Lucy Loomis for close to 10 years now we met in the southernmost of The Marianas Islands on the tropical paradise of Guam. Though I met her at church and we clicked immediately I had no idea that she would become my best friend. Shortly after meeting we became close when our husbands’ who served in the military were deployed in the Persian Gulf together. During this deployment I ended up moving in with her and developed an everlasting friendship. Even after our husbands’ returned and we knew our time would eventually come to an end we made a pact to call each other every day and never give up on our friendship, a pact that even though we live miles apart has never been broken to this day. I remember the excitement of her first daughter being born and how happy she was to be a mom, less than a year later I received great news that I was pregnant , though she already knew(lol) she was the one that told me I was pregnant with my second child years later. Lucy and I would always say “how cool it would be if we were pregnant at the same time with god’s grace it happened. We were BFF’s pregnant together, what a BFF dream (LOL) during this time we would talk on the phone about our cravings and we even had an ultrasound together when she came and visited for my baby shower it was exciting and fun time. The excitement came to an abrupt halt when she called me and said her water broke and she was being rushed by ambulance to the hospital she was only 23 weeks. I felt my heart stop, I just had a baby a week prior I felt helpless in Las Vegas with a brand new baby while she lived in San Diego. My best friend and her child were in grave danger she needed me and I couldnt be there. I remember the struggles along the way she was bed bound at the hospital for 7 weeks straight and one day she told me that she was getting rushed to the operating room for an emergency C-section hours later I received a text with a picture of baby Elijah weighing 1 pound 12oz born at 30 weeks. I empathized with her situation a wife and mother with newborn in NICU. You never imagine that someone you love so dearly could go through something like this. The struggles and emotional ups and downs but as always Lucy kept faith even when times were rough she still knew God was on her side and nothing was impossible. I personally did not realize the cost and time that it would take to go back and forth to the hospital and home. Lucy described how much Miracle Babies assisted during this harsh time she explained how every NICU baby in the hospital needed their parents and the goal of the program was to simply make sure that life doesnt stand in the way of parent and their child. I am proud to say I am Best friends with a mom that had a premature baby. So it is with deep gratitude and appreciation that I say Thank You to the Miracle Babies foundation for being there for my dear friend when I could not. Sincerely, A grateful BFF
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 03:21:31 +0000

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