Life is a roller-coaster. One day is filled with tragedy--but, - TopicsExpress


Life is a roller-coaster. One day is filled with tragedy--but, now and then, there are days filled with joy. Christmas is always a challenging time. Each Christmas is different. Each of us can remember very special holidays in years past. My most special Christmas of all was in 1986. No other Christmas will ever be able to match that one--spent with my entire gay family--my lover David, son Willie, Marsha P Johnson, my decorator George Flimlin & a few other special friends. The Christmas Spirit is an elusive thing. It is forever talked about, promoted, commercialized---to the point of social exhaustion. It is easy to believe it is only a myth---a myth that never was, a myth that died, a myth whose supposed existence creates more pain than joy in todays world. Bah! Humbug! is its signature of sadness. Well, here & there, the Spirit of Christmas finds fertile soil, takes root & grows. This past weekend, weeks before the official Holiday, I had the second greatest Christmas of my life. Don raz me about being an atheist. Robert Ingersol, the worlds most famous atheist, praised Christmas. Give what I say more credence because I dont believe religious tales. The Spirit of Christmas is out there in the world. You simply have to find it. I found it & caught it on video this past weekend in Port Jefferson, on Long Island (famous for nothing to me for years :-), at the Dickens Festival. Dont believe me? Just watch this video and drink in its joy.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 18:35:37 +0000

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