*****Life is beautiful...*****DR.ATUL.BHATNAGAR*** 1) Life is a - TopicsExpress


*****Life is beautiful...*****DR.ATUL.BHATNAGAR*** 1) Life is a dream for d wise, a game for d fool, a comedy for d rich, and a tragedy for d poor. 2) Life is a biological misadventure that terminates in d grave. 3) Life is divided up into d horrible n d miserable. 4) Life is a puzzle. 5) The drama of life begins with a wail and ends with a sigh. 6) Forgive, O Lord, my little jokes on Thee, and I will forgive Thy great big one on me. 7) Thousands of candles can b lit from a single candle and d life of a candle will not be shortened. 8) Life is complete only after d direct experimental knowledge of d unity of life. 9) Everything in d world is good, holy and beautiful cos life itself is so beautiful. 10 ) Life is not about how many breaths u take but abt d moments that u live in those breaths. 11) Only a life lived for others, is a life worthwhile. 12) Service to d others is d rent u pay for ur room here on earth. 13) If u cant be a pine on d top of a hill, Be a scrub in d valley--but be, The best little scrubon d side of d hill, Be a bush if u cant be a tree, If u cant be a highway just be a trail; If u cant be the sun be a star; Its not by size that u win or fail- Be d best of whatever u r. 14) The problem of being unwilling to be yourself is not new; it is as old as history and as universal as human life. These are all life quotes collected from a book entitled LIFE 360 degrees. When u read these, theres gotta be one in particular that appeals to u most. The one that did to me was 14 by Dr James Gordon and I strongly feel that d biggest mistake that people make, is not being themselves. Instead of being frank and speaking their mind, people try to give u d answer they think u want, but it doesnt really work because nobody wants a phony. Nobody ever wants a counterfeit coin. Each one of us is born with a unique DNA, each one of us is unique n complete in ourselves, we only need to connect within n harness d uniqueness. I extend my THANKS to all those unique people who cared to read this. ****DR.ATUL.BHATNAGAR***
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 08:18:39 +0000

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