Life is full of many cares, struggles, and responsibilities, so - TopicsExpress


Life is full of many cares, struggles, and responsibilities, so God has kept the most important things very simple. There was only one word the Spirit of God inspired Paul to write, to describe all that will last from our entire life on earth. One word at Christ’s Throne is all that sums up anything enduring, eternal, and pleasing to God. What will be the test Christ uses to determine each person’s eternal rewards? It is whether their words, actions, thoughts, and motives were good in God’s sight. As we open to Titus 2:5 we find that this is the very same word we saw describing the Judgment Seat of Christ. God says everything is reduced to this word: “good” or the other word: “bad or good for nothing”. Once again God reduces what He is looking for in a Titus 2 woman into a single word : “good” (KJV/NKJV) or “kind” (ESV/NIV/NAS) in Titus 2:5. Good or Good for Nothing Someday when our journey on earth ends, and we stand before Christs Throne—the Scriptures use only one word to describe what God eternally rewards. One day in the not too distant future, we will be watching as Jesus Christ sorts our life into what lasts forever and what doesn’t. In other words whether what we did in the small parts of life that make up the vast majority of all our time: was good or not good. Today, God says every woman in Christs church is to be personally mentored by an older and godly woman in how to pursue specific life choices that are good investments of her life, and what is not. Can you think of any ministry more vital than guiding a young person into how to choose what is good and pleasing to God? Knowing how to make those choices is vital because that is all that God will reward according to His Word. This Titus 2 character quality before you in your Bible, the word good is also a well known word from the rest of your Bible study. In Romans 12:2 it is the whole purpose of presenting ourselves back to the Lord: to live out what is “good”, and in Ephesians 2:8-10 we who were saved by grace are His workmanship created for “good” works. But most vivid use of this word is at the day we stand before Jesus. At the Judgment Seat we are going to stand in front of Jesus Christ and watch him open the history files of our lives. Better than any software program God has logged the keystrokes of our lives: our actual motivations, our genuine intentions, our literal thoughts will all be exposed as the frames around each action. There at last will be exposed the complete picture of God’s servants. And everything done for Jesus that was done in the power of grace-energized goodness will last forever. Jesus mentioned this word “good” twice in a statement nearly all believers have heard, and most believers long to have spoken over them by the Lord. Here is what Jesus said in Matthew 25:21,23: “… ‘Well done, good and faithful servant…” NKJV. When we stand before Christs judgment seat, God the Father has already graciously “justified” the only complete recording of our lives. God the Father who sees all, and records every action, thought, deed, and motivation graciously justifies all who come to Christ: removing every sin, erasing the record that they were ever done, and placing the full penalty for every sin upon Jesus Christ. This morning as we see the description of a woman of goodness, we are looking at what God wants you to be as a woman, as a wife, and as a mother. No matter where you are in the chapters of your life—this is God’s advertisement in His Word for exactly what He is looking for. As His children, there is nothing we want more than to please Him. And when we think of Heaven, and when we seek to have a crown to cast at Christs feet—think of living life, doing these kinds of good works prompted by His grace. Titus 2:5 has this one word that is next in this listing of the curriculum that older women are to use to train younger women in the faith. That word is “goodness” and that is all it says in v. 5. Left alone we would wonder and speculate all day long, but maybe miss exactly what the Lord wanted the older godly women to teach the younger godly women. Here is the actual description of what God is looking for. The grace that God places in a willing servant prompts these types of actions that God wants from you as a woman, as a wife, and as a mother. No matter where you are in the chapters of your life, God’s advertisement in His Word revealed what He is looking for in a servant: She must be “well reported for good works” (1 Timothy 5:10a), having— “well reported for good works: if she has brought up children, if she has lodged strangers, if she has washed the saints’ feet, if she has relieved the afflicted, if she has diligently followed every good work” NKJV. https://youtube/watch?v=RHkHrPZwrLI&index=10&list=PLSP1IO9h3J7tn6NKbYkrQ7IiaR6H2ptrf
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 10:57:00 +0000

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