Life is full of mountains and valleys. I am so proud of my - TopicsExpress


Life is full of mountains and valleys. I am so proud of my husband. If he was not a Christian he would have had a hard time the past two months....after finally getting over e-coli infection after 3 years, one of his older brothers died from complications from esophageal cancer surgery and the day he was to be funeralized (which was during the tropical storm June 7th) he had a retina detachment and we had to go Chapel Hill for immediate emergency surgery and only had time to go by funeral home and speak to his family and we had to leave. Then just yesterday we went back for the 7th time at Chapel Hill for another check up and one of his older sisters was buried in Alabama. His vision is still not completely back but we know Who made the eye and He is the Great Physician. For those who do not believe in miracles and that God sends His angels to watch over us...I need to tell you about the first night we were in Chapel Hill after the eye surgery. We left the hospital for a motel after his 5 hour surgery at 2:00 am. It was raining, little directions to just inside of Durham for motel (all the ones in Chapel Hill were full for graduation and a ball game on Saturday. I got lost. It was raining. Made a wrong turn on a dark street. Turned around, remembered a station on the other side of the 4 lane and decided to go back and ask for directions. A clerk immediately knew where I needed to go and a man came in and told me to listen to her she knew exactly where I needed to go. I did and God also provided a young lady at the rear entrance of the motel to take control of us and help Jimmy up the steps, into the motel and she even came back and told me where our room was. Odd that a young lady would be out at 245 am unloading her belongings just when we needed her??? Not odd, a miracle. Oh, by the way we have been back to Chapel Hill 6 times and that station is yet to be seen again??? His miracle.......
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 23:37:08 +0000

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