Life is just so amazing, there is so many amazing things I see and - TopicsExpress


Life is just so amazing, there is so many amazing things I see and hear when we are driving around, working at different laundromats, at the stores, medical appointments, even while sitting at a red light or stop sign. Even here on FB, I hear and so so many different things that are amazing. Some of it is good amazing and some of it is bad amazing but if you keep your eyes and ears open, life can be amazing to you also. There are people out there going through the same things we are, some have it better than us, some have it worst than us but its all part of life. It amazes me the choices people make in so many various situations. I share very little of what goes on in my life because my life is not a complete open book and there have been many times I have wanted to share what I see or hear at various places but do not. I respect peoples privacy and will not air anything about anyone else that does not give me permission. Even omitting the name of that person or description makes me feel like I am breaking a persons privacy. As my daughter and me are working on going through this school together to become home inspectors, we take time after work to ride around sometimes checking out homes. We see so many things that people do not even know about their own homes that they need to take care of to avoid serious issues down the road. Or like today, we went and checked out a couple of houses that were for sale, even though we are still learning, we notice so many things that any home inspector would flag so fast about houses, that it could cost the sale to go thru. We enjoy doing these things together, we talk about things together, and not just about school and houses. We share many things about life, our feelings, things we see or hear, our opinions, and so much more. That is what makes life so wonderful, to still have people you love and care about and communicate with them. I have noticed recently that there are small business as well as large business that have no communication between people that are suppose to work as a team. I feel sorry for them because it can only cause problems for them. Life is not worth living if you can not find amazing things in it and even when Carl was with us, we always had amazing times together so we could enjoy life to its fullest. Finding good amazing things make me smile or laugh. Finding bad amazing things make me grateful for what I have and help me enjoy life even more. So go out there and find amazing things for yourself and see what happens in your life.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 20:12:30 +0000

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