Life is meaningless without JESUS - TopicsExpress


Life is meaningless without JESUS CHRIST -------------------------------------------------------- The wisest man who lived on this earth was King Solomon. He attained all wealth, possessions, success and concluded at the end of his life. Everything is meaningless without GOD.. Solomon conclusions at the end of his life : -------------------------------------------------------- 1) Enjoy Life and the things GOD gives : ----------------------------------------------- It is good for one to eat/drink and to enjoy the good of all his labor in which he toils under the sun all the days of his life which GOD gives him for it is his heritage”- Ecc. 5:18 “As of every man to whom GOD has given riches and wealth and give him power to eat of it receive his heritage and rejoice in his labor – this is a Gift of GOD – Ecc. 5:19 “Eat you bread with joy,drink your wine with a merry heart, Let your garments be white.. Live joyfully with your wife and whatever your hands find do it with your might”– Ecc. 9:7-10 2) Meaning of life is found only in the Fear and Obedience to GOD : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Fear GOD and keep his commandments, for this is man’s all” – Ecc. 12:13 Walking with GOD, Fearing Him and keeping His commandments is the whole duty of man….. 3) Accountable to GOD : -------------------------- “For GOD will bring every work into judgement , including every secret thing whether good or evil” – Ecc. 12:14 We are accountable to GOD for our lives and with all the things the LORD has given us. For one day we have to stand before GOD and give account for our lives and everything that we have done here on earth good or evil. 4) True value of Life ---------------------- This conclusion was not made from King Solomon. But after JESUS came into this world and died for our sins on the Cross of Calvary..Living, standing and abiding in our Lord JESUS brings true value and satisfaction in life. When we walk with JESUS and Abide in JESUS and JESUS in us. Allowing the Holy Spirit and His Word to transform us reflecting JESUS in every area of our lives brings joy, peace and purpose to our lives. It is then we begin to share with others the things the Lord has blessed us with and are moved to stand and do something for Our Lord JESUS CHRIST small (or) bring. And one day the Lord will come and take us home reward us for all the work / deeds done for Him... This brings real meaning to our life here on earth… May the Lord lead each of us accordingly... GOD BLESS Watch this video and be blessed youtube/watch?v=ZEieyvoCDVo&
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 10:26:20 +0000

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