Life is not a series of flat, linear movements; movements for - TopicsExpress


Life is not a series of flat, linear movements; movements for example into buying a house, taking a job, having a child. THAT is not life, they said. Those are activities on the surface of life. They searched my face to see if I understood. Sink deep within yourself, they said, sink down into yourself. I turned my attention inward and felt myself slowing, especially my mind. It had been racing. Feel yourself, and know that all activity of body and brain is surface activity only. Surface, static, busyness and noise. It is neither important nor unimportant. Just activity. The purpose of life is to recognize who you are, to recognize the presence of the Divine everywhere and move below the surface of things, into the flow of knowing what all is. I listened intently. Do not be confused, they said. The desire for action will not bring you happiness. What we are speaking of is a different sort of doing. It is not rushed and busy; it is not a piling up of accomplishments. It is not a list of projects or a busy social calendar. It is none of these. Those activities, they said, giving me a look of infinite patience, are yang. The emphasis on yang values has created the tension, stress and difficulty on your planet. We have not come for that, they said, shaking their heads. We have come to help balance that. Turning the intensity of their gaze on me, they said, We ask you to go deep, to do what you do with love in your heart. We ask you to look outward from your heart at the people in your lives. To do this, you must first go deep inside yourself and feel your body, feel that low hum inside you. This is the vibration of life. The same vibration that flows through the trees, through the people sitting next to you, through the food you eat and the chair you sit on. They gazed hard at me. Relate from this place deep within your heart. they said. And be brave! You can be yourself. You can! And you will nourish everyone. You will do so much good by being yourself, more than you ever did or could do by being busy and doing, doing, doing. ~The Grandmothers.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 15:11:15 +0000

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