Life is starting to get back on track. Fred is moving forward, - TopicsExpress


Life is starting to get back on track. Fred is moving forward, love my honey! Still a few glitches, waiting for pre-authorizations. First the doctor makes that order/writes that rx. since we deal with meds through our insurance companies chosen supplier, to keep cost down: then it goes thru the nurse, then office administration, then to the insurance, then sometimes there is a dialogue, then the rx/yep, not just procedures, meds order should be making it to the pharmacy, supplier and if you meet that days shipping timeline, oops-there was a holiday in there-somewhere along the way, what youve been waiting for since 17 August, might get on its way in September. fun, fun, eh. bit of insight, what with life, Fred, and Im taking classes this semester will be here infrequently. If Ive missed something the last three weeks, apology given. If it seems like Im being inattentive, realize, please that this old lady has entered the realm of Moodle, Microsoft Office 2013, making brief videos, YIKES! all of which are like tackling an octopus, one hand tied behind this ones back, blind folded, ear muffs on and mouth stuffed with socks...Yes, youll see occasional posts. Im working on issues deep in my heart. Started my capstone paper (twenty page assignment): Can Apartheid and Democracy Exist Simultaneously? Welcome any private messages with suggested articles, books, etc. Started with definitions of apartheid, democracy, fundamentals. How terms evolve over time, morph. Entering the cultural, historical realms of racial, ethnic, religious barriers: ghettos, barrios, concentration/ isolation/ refugee camps, reservations, etc. Have been spending any/all free time in NWC Hinkley Library researching. Major dilemma for myself, is there still a working, functioning definition of democracy that one can apply to any existing government? state? Is there a globalization dictionary? teeheehee for something lighter, read Genets, The Balcony, Edna St. Vincent Millays, Aria Da Capo and Feathertop by Maurice Valency (fr Hawthorne) for my Theatre class. Waiting for a copy of Joan Didions, Year of Magical Thinking, to arrive on inter library loan. Arff...Pogo is waiting for me to take here on a jaunt to the mailbox and so its off and away for now.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 18:49:45 +0000

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