Life is unexpected.......nobody knows their own path created by - TopicsExpress


Life is unexpected.......nobody knows their own path created by Allah.. when you are always hurting yourself...bleeding and bleeding....scars....jatuh tertonggeng....luka....parut...terhantuk...n the results are you frequently met doctors... from those admire one person very much...he is a doctor...talented and capable... and then you bercita2 nak jadi macam that doctor yang selalu jahit your luka2... when you are study hard like no others bring books bila balik sangat poyo sampaikan kezen you menyampah kat you yang konon2 buat nota like dewasa....n guess are just 12... as a always get straight As.... PMR also....n suddenly because of something yang x patut you dont get straight As in SPM...but still still the same...seorang yang sukar mengalah walaupun jatuh... in your mind.....I will be a doctor...I must get it...I must achieve it so.....because of your cousin got 4 flat at matriculation and then being offered to further study in Medic.. u thought yang you pon boleh mcm then you pilih Matriculation instead of Asasi UIA....sbb masa tu xde orang guide....n your relatives sendiri x de pon nak guide....lagi rendah2 kan you ade just got 9 that too lemah to be like you...hmmm maybe ya.... so...disebabkan semangat yang x pernah padam berusaha bersungguh2 kat matrikulasi...always paksa diri...and teman rapatku Encik Migrain selalu menjenguk...menyebabkan you always skip kuliah...because of that migrain....then you terpaksa blurr2 dalam kelas....then you x faham.....n seriously benci Matrik... at that time you met someone yang tiba2 melarikan fokus you yang suka belajar....ohmai....seriously you adalah serang innocent yang x pernah bercintan cintun masa belaja...n tetiba di matrik u lari fokus.....n then tiba2 result sem 1 u got 3.65... oh mai..then you putus cinta monyet...belajar kuat lagi...tapi the got 3.5 only... you still x nak mengalah...mohon biasiswa..konon2 nak pergi mesir...tiba2 dapat...dan tiba2 your mummy said dont go...because she dreamt something yang teruk...dalam mimpi your mum...dia lihat mesir bergolak...hampa...kecewa dan murung....akhirnya you siat semua diary dan nangis air mata darah....pada you.....cita2 you dah dah xde masa depan... Bermulalah langkah sugul di USIM....for the first time in your life.... seorang yang gigih berusaha.....tapi you did not study in last minit.....then kalau assignment mesti kecek2 kat kawan baik yang rajin gile buat assignment (teman tidur sebelah tilam...always dekan okay!!!) come you nak buat semua ni....x pernah terfikir you akan study financial mathematics in university.....economics n bla bla balaaaaa... you hate maths sooooo much!!!! you love that time you are not so motivating and bersemangat type...lazy....always join university sgt dalam persatuan sampaikan terplih pergi Korea.....sampaikan you jejak kaki kat Korea then you realise yang betul ke aku kat Korea??? n years later you are graduating with honors....second upper... walaupun x study gigih...selalu main...sbb benci maths.....kalau study...hmmm... then....u follow you life.....then you tiba2 jadi banker......not so banker laaa....more kepada buat kerja2 banking....Standard Chartered n then suddenly the most important person in your life pass away... your mummy....your everything... then you resigned from work.... you learn baking you tiba2 jadi pandai baking..padahal sebelum ni jangankan kek...ape pon x pandai...masak je reti.... you jadi cikgu kontrak you online buat herbalife walaupun still x kurus you jadi takaful agent..sampai u achieve target silver....u punya sales sampai berbelas ribu dan dapat reward pergi Bandung.... n suddently you got new ummi n life change 360 n you still sampai sekarang low motivation...selalu x bersungguh...tah kenapa.... and still dont know is that the right path... only Him knows the sentiasa terima dengan Redha...percaya pada qada dan qadar... the conclusion is unexpected...kita x dapat apa yang kita nak sbb Allah tahu apa yang terbaik..n the last thing you know that your English is broken but you always writing in English..ada aku kisah
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 15:38:08 +0000

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