Life liberty and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS What is wakeupnow? it - TopicsExpress


Life liberty and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS What is wakeupnow? it is to assist you to pursue what makes you happy! Thats it. People make it too difficult. I mean look at the Beginning of the Declaration of Independence...We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPINESS! All men are created equal that we have an entitlement that NOBODY can take away from us and that is Life, Liberty (freedom) and that we are able to do what makes us happy. What do you like to do? What do you enjoy to do? Why dont you do that EVERYDAY OF YOUR LIFE? Because we are TAUGHT to believe that the ONLY WAY we can be happy and are able to pursue that is trade TIME FOR MONEY! enjoy what you like to do when you are retired, when you have WORKED FOR IT. We are unable to do what makes us happy because we have to spend 8-10 hours a day 5 days a week for 40+ years to make somebody else happy and STILL barely even make enough to pay all the BILLS, (thats on average). Wakeupnow helps you by allowing you to still work for now but devote a total of a few hours to start here and there tmakeke an extra income of atleast $600 a month that you use to setup your Bills and Finances with WUN Finance software (created by the company) to pay off in half the time(15 years and under) and save on average $95,000 in interest alone. That alone sets you DEBT FREE imagine how quick you could pay it off making $10,000 a month? or $30,000 a month! It allows you to make an endless amount of income based on how ever you want decide to operate. If you start putting in more time you start seeing more results, interact with your team, give ideas work TOGETHER and you will be able to finally say goodbye to that 9-5 and hello to Residual Step Away income, meaning the more you work now at building your business the less time you have to devote to running it because it will work for you if operated correctly from the ground up. Giving you more time to THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. . For more details feel free to check out my webpage Dbarker08.wakeupnow or email me at abarker167@gmail
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 18:48:51 +0000

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