Life on the Isle of Wight looking for Damien Nettles The first - TopicsExpress


Life on the Isle of Wight looking for Damien Nettles The first question we would like to ask everybody is look at your children, look at your Grandchildren and imagine the pain & suffering if one of those children went out one night and never returned. The pain you have to live with is not like any other pain, but that is the pain that Val Nettles & her family have had to live with for nineteen years this year. You have to carry on life as normal as possible for the sake of your other children but there is never a second in a day that Val does not think about Damien and what happened to him Saturday 2nd November 1996. There are a few of us on the Isle of Wight who have never given up the search. We have listened to rumour, speculation and God knows what else! Imagine the mother of a boy who went out one night never to return being told her son was cut up and fed to the wild pigs in the New Forest or that Damien was cut up and put in a lobster pot and weighted down at sea. Can anybody possibly imagine what that does to your mind & heart? After all these years we firmly believe that people who are no longer with us have been unfairly blamed for what has happened to Damien. The dead cannot speak; they have no right of reply. Blame a dead man and everybody stops looking for the real culprits. A wall of Silence like this can only be maintained by a very few people, the more people that know what happened to Damien the more likely the wall of silence would not have remained for over eighteen years. One day here on the Isle of Wight we decided to take the plunge and knock on a well known Cowes woman’s door who we have been told be various sources that she knew what had happened to Damien and knew who was involved and where Damien was. We did not have the door thrown in our faces, we were not told to f*** off but instead she took us in to her house and told us everything. Was this just another version of events that been round the rumour mill? It could have been except for one thing, she mentioned one thing Damien had in his possession at the time he disappeared that is not know by the General Public, she told us also what was done with this item in Damien’s possession. So now we are sitting bolt upright and really listening. We are aware that possibly some things have been changed in what she told us quite possibly to distance herself from complete involvement. This woman has an awful lot to answer for and it makes us so angry when we see her around fooling people in to thinking that she is a perfect citizen!!! She then got in the car and took us to where Damien is supposedly buried. Not just took us but also give us a very good set of clues as to the position of Damien and told us exactly what Damien had been wrapped in prior to his burial. It is a vast area on private property and it is not looking for the needle in the haystack it is looking for the haystack first before we can find the needle. With landowner permission we have been digging for nearly three years, in rain, mud, hail, snow or whatever the weather wants to throw at us we dig. We are only four women and it is not easy so although it has been nearly three years a few strong men could well have done this in a matter of months. Imagine digging just over five feet down and finding Heroin Wraps complete with scorch marks. We knew we were never going to dig in the exact spot Damien was put and he could always a few feet in any direction but we think we are near and we will not give up. It is distressing for us all that maybe up to six people have remained silent all these years and quite possibly also have the protection from their families. Many parents will do anything to protect their children but the silence has ruined the lives of a lovely family who only want their son back. These people may think they are safe but we can assure you the net is closing in and eventually the truth will come out. Val & her family have spent the last 18 years searching for Damien. YOU must have spent the last 18 years looking over your shoulders. Have you not stopped to consider that if Damien is found then Damien himself will speak from the grave with DNA evidence and then you will get that knock on your door!!!
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 00:08:31 +0000

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