Life, the Art of Makiing the Impossible, Possible Of course, we - TopicsExpress


Life, the Art of Makiing the Impossible, Possible Of course, we are all a great example of making the impossible possible, just by our being alive. Our very existence, being alive, is totally incredible and beyond comprehension. We dont know how it is, but here we are. It could easily be seen as a gift that is so monumental, that to be appreciated fully may be beyond our abilities. It seems that our gratitude could never be equal to what we are receiving every second of our lives. That the gratitude we feel is miniscule compared to the gift, that we could never be grateful enough. And then there is the flattening effect that happens to us all, that we get used to everything and hence, have a tendency to take so much for granted. One has to be especially careful with this if one is enjoying a relationship, when the honeymoon period has faded and the everydayness sets in. Because, if one loses the charge, the appreciation, the excitement of being with such a lovely companion, the relationship hits the doldrums, and begins to stagnate. In my experience, it seems, that life just gets richer and richer, the older one gets. I wish it was that way for eveyone. I wake up early because there is so much that I want to do each day. And the day, as full as it is, passes so quickly, that before I know it, I am back to flossing and brushing my teeth and heading for sleep. Maybe it is because, as I have matured, it becomes easier and easier to make the impossible possible. We all have our dreams and we all want to make the most of our short span on the planet, but how many of us have the courage, clarity, and confidence to go after our highest aspirations? I really didnt, until I reached middle age. I am a great example of what is called a late bloomer. And it wasnt until 2000, that I started going after my biggest dreams. I recommend starting right now, and not waiting until you are older, the younger you begin, the better it will be for you. It might take years of preparation, going to school, learning whatever it is you need to make the impossible happen, maybe finding a mentor. I wish I had had one. My brother got one when he was young without telling any of us and it has helped him become the extremely successful entrepreneur he is today. I believe that all the best dreams are ones that are about manifesting love, making love come to life, contributing to the welfare and enhancement of others lives. This is the most rewarding thing anyone can do, saving someones life is a good example, making someone happy, with laughter or food or whatever, manifesting joy. Giving is receiving. Can you imagine how it would be if everyone everywhere could be following their dreams, manifesting their love? Everyone should be able to do that. The happy new world which we are co creating together in a very disorganized fashion at the moment is going to be like that. In our young community four kms from the plaza in Yamburara Alto barrio is fashioned with that idea in mind, and we are doing it. We are self organizing and always getting better at it. We want to share this with you and hope that you take advantage of our existence. If you would like to visit or take part in our workshops or volunteer, please feel free to pm me. With our upcoming 3 day festival about community, we can use some helpers as we are constructing different things, still need to care for our gardens and fields and many other things. We have a wonderful alternative school for children about 6 to 10 every morning, 5 days a week. This is running smoothly and the children love it. However, it is entirely in spanish. And we have workshops almost or everyday of the week that are very special and by donation only. Thursdays are our clown workshops and friday our improvised singing circle, both around 6pm, except today, we are going to the halloween party at monte suenos. we will have mask painting on your face before the party, if u want to come for that. 0980290103 if u need directions. Check out this inspiring video about the art of making the impossible, possible: https://youtube/watch?v=6XNrzmh0EVs
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 14:06:43 +0000

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