Life was meant to be a wondrous journey and you were put here for - TopicsExpress


Life was meant to be a wondrous journey and you were put here for a very special reason. We all have dreams and we all want to believe that somehow we can make a difference with what we do by touching other people in some way. As children, most of us have had “grand visions” of what we thought life would be like. We all have had great dreams of prosperity, success, passion, happiness, growth and contribution. We have had visions of becoming astronauts, rock stars or living an exotic, purpose driven life that was filled with adventure, fulfillment, joy and significance. Unfortunately for many people, that vision has become antiquated or has withered away from their daily redundant routines. Many people’s lives have become mundane and the repetition of consistent disappointment has permeated their thinking rendering them ineffective towards the attainment of their goals. They have simply lost that “winners edge.” They have forgotten their true purpose for living and have set their dreams aside in the hopes to eventually someday reignite them once again. Life goes by very quickly and all too often this “someday” simply never comes. They end up living an entire lifetime unfulfilled and “off purpose. They simply never tap into their fullest potentials or live their life headed toward their true greatest passions. I cannot tell you how deeply I feel for people who have lost their faith in their dreams, for this is one of life’s greatest tragedies. My entire life’s quest is to understand the psychology and techniques that can restore those “grand visions” for people. My goal is to nurture these understandings and reinforce a lifestyle that supports consistent, ongoing actions towards their attainment. It is my goal to then share and reinforce this knowledge with the likeminded, forward thinking, proactive, success seeking people that I have the unbelievable privilege to influence on a daily basis. I remember the day I realized I was living my dreams. I was “on approach” flying a two seat Rotorway helicopter. I was flying into my home town headed North toward the Meriden, CT airport runway. The sun was setting, the view was breathtaking and all at once I had a moment that “froze in time” which I will never forget. As the little helicopter I was strapped into continued to descend into a hover, it was that moment I had a thought that would change my life forever. I realized that there is no finish line or goal post to attain. I suddenly realized that there was no treasure chest or “sound buzzer” that was to go off once I finally reached “success.” I suddenly realized that just like flying that helicopter, “success was process” and it was the “journey” that needed to be savored, not the destination! With subtle underlying disappointment that my flight was over, I realized that once I finally got to where I wanted to go in life, I would find myself unhappy if I didnt stop to enjoy the process now! It would pass me by! I suddenly realized that success was “a way of thinking” and nothing more. Wow! All this time I was working so hard to “achieve” something so that I could give myself a permission slip to be happy. Well, what if I decided to be happy right now? Would this limit my success in the future? What if I decided to take any pain or frustration that I was enduring and regardless of how difficult it was to do, just push it aside. What if no matter who was around me who where frustrated and miserable, no matter what circumstances or roadblocks I was currently facing, no matter what people thought, no matter what people said or what financial and socioeconomic status I was currently at, that I decided to simply live at my very best every single day? What if from that moment on, I decided to wear my best clothing, speak my best phrases, maintain my best health, be my best self and live my best life? What if I completely dedicated my life to feeling the joy, resourcefulness, passion, happiness, contribution, giving, love, gratitude, confidence, appreciation, contentment, curiosity, devotion, determination, flexibility, cheerfulness and vitality that I thought I would “someday” attain if I finally reached “success” RIGHT NOW? What if I lived by these powerful emotions and principals FROM NOW ON, regardless of my current situation? Would this inhibit my life experience or would this actually help get me to where I wanted to go quicker? What do you think? Well, through all my studies within the past 2 decades in personal development, growth, prosperity and “success,” I have always known that a human being tends to create their life experience close to what they focus upon within their experience. We as human beings “take part” in the creation of our own life. We are “co-creators” here. So I thought, was it possible that I could feel successful right now? Was is possible that all I had to do was shift my perception and life would change for me? I think you know that the answer to this question, is a resounding YES. Wealth, success and prosperity is all around us, right here and right now my friend. It is merely up to us to notice it. It is merely up to us to claim it. America is one of the wealthiest countries in the world and some foreigners have actually risked their lives to cross the borders here because they can see the MASSIVE opportunities and resources. Too many people in this country are caught up in complaining about what they do not have and they fail to see or ever even recognize what they do have. Take a look into a local library. Where I grew up in Wallingford, CT we have an absolutely beautiful library building that is fully available to the public with massive recourses Any single person “resident or not,” can go in and peruse the shelves. Any person can pick up a book or audio CD about “How to become wealthy in realestate,” or “How to attract the ideal spouse or lover,” or “How to bring up your children to be happy and successful individuals,” or “How to start with nothing and eventually become a millionaire with tiny amounts of money through compound interest,” or “How to learn to surf,” or “How to learn how to read” or Speak another language and the list goes on and on and on and on. There is a wealth of knowledge available to anyone in this country and anyone can be, do or have just about anything that they could ever want for their lives. With a little persistence and tenacity anybody can completely change their lives and they can change it fairly quickly. This my friend, is real wealth! This is real prosperity and the resources we have around us in this country every day is astounding! Also, remember we are very powerful creatures and we will tend to manifest whatever we most think about. Along with these massive resources we must also control out thoughts. That day in my little personal “flying machine” I realized that no matter how much money, success, accolades or material objects I attained, I would never truly recognize success unless I changed my way of thinking. In fact, I believe this “paradoxical” perspective is the very idea that most people often over look, yet it is the very secret to a successful, passionate, prosperous and purpose driven life. Good day today my friends... : 0 ) Thank You Sincerely, Live it Full Throttle! Brad
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 12:59:02 +0000

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