Life without purpose isn’t going anywhere. I learned this the - TopicsExpress


Life without purpose isn’t going anywhere. I learned this the hard way. 18 mos. ago Elizabeth and I “retired.” We left most everything behind us in Chicago and moved to Florida. We left our Lake Shore Drive condo, the North Shore Center for Spiritual Living we founded in Evanston, IL, furniture, art, crystal and artifacts we collected from our travels, much of our clothing and friends of many years standing. No real plans except a vague idea that we might start a new work, part time, but nothing definite. What happened? Lacking any specific positive direction, I developed two brain tumors, fortunately benign, but side effects from the therapy and several illnesses resulting from the hospitalization put me on the shelf for nearly a year and kept Elizabeth fully occupied taking care of me. What pulled us out of it? New challenges and renewed purpose. New five-star reviews on amazon for the book Shortcut to a Miracle that Elizabeth co-authored with Michael C. Rann attracted speaking engagements for Elizabeth and re-activated interest from churches and spiritual centers in teaching the accredited Science of Mind class we developed based on the book. And Dr. Arleen Bump asked us to become staff ministers of the Fort Lauderdale Center for Spiritual Living where we started The Prosperity Group for weekly discussion on using Science of Mind principles for richer living. What next? An even greater challenge has emerged, and this has truly energized us. Despite our many years in the ministry, neither one of us has been able to get the business world out of our system. Elizabeth had a long career in sales and marketing, culminating as Executive Vice President and co-owner of a successful retail advertising agency, while I was proprietor of my own public relations firm. Now we’re entering an entirely new field for us: Internet marketing . . . importing unique products from China to sell on amazon. In keeping with our philosophy that whatever we do make a positive contribution to life, our new firm is called BeneVita Distributors, Enhancing the Good Life. We expect to be up and running on-line in a few weeks. We’ll let you know when. Sidelight: At Princeton, I roomed next to John Kemeny, who co-wrote the BASIC computer language, which helped Bill Gates start Microsoft. In public relations, for Hallicrafters, I wrote the first article in Electronics magazine on modulator-demodulators (now called modems) to send digital signals over phone lines. For Kaypro, I helped introduce the first portable personal computer. For Rogers Radio Communications, I wrote the marketing plan which helped them become the first FCC-licensed wireless cellular company. Without these developments Internet marketing would not be possible. They happened before most of the people in the business were born. If the kids can do it, so can we.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 03:26:06 +0000

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