Lifeless by Jay Savage © Prologue - TopicsExpress


Lifeless by Jay Savage © Prologue The last round from my gun strikes the undead thing in its forehead, dropping it in an instant. Suddenly realizing that Im out of rounds, with untold multitudes in the background, I drop my pistol and run. As I round the corner, I see my fellow survivors. Run, Vasquez screams. He turns and bolts for the door that Robinson is holding open. Turk, Sanders, and Gomez are already inside. Robinson starts to pull the heavy iron door shut as I slip inside. It is only inches from being closed when decaying fingers slide through the narrow opening and attempt to pry it open again. With a grunt of effort, Robinson pulls it completely shut, severing the decaying digits. I...I think were...were finally safe, Robinson manages between gasps. Taking in my surroundings for the first time, I notice large barrels with yellow and black triangles on them; Biohazzard! I dont think so, I mutter. What do you mean?!, Gomez demands, taking a step towards me. I can only shake my head as I recall the things outside, scraping to get in. I think we just went from the frying pan into the preverbial fire. Suddenly, one of the barrels starts to leak with a hiss. Ah, shit, Turk says, after turning her head in the direction of the hiss. A godawful moan suddenly fills the warehouse. I look around and note the lack of doors-even a Fire Exit-and the ten-foot high windows spaced at irregular intervals. Just then, the barrel breaks open and another thing crawls out. Were trapped!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 13:03:40 +0000

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