Lifes Plans Part 1 Cassie was a woman who knew what she - TopicsExpress


Lifes Plans Part 1 Cassie was a woman who knew what she wanted. She was a very successful CEO at her company, making six figures a year. She lived in a spacious house in a nice suburbia town and drove an expensive Mercedes SUV. She had her life all planned out. Approaching 27, she was in the phase of her life where she would meet mister right and they would settle down and marry. A couple years later, around the time she turns 30, babies would be in the picture. Cassie had it all planned out and everything was going according to the plan. Until she met Jason. Jason was a trucker from a small town. Driving cross country frequently on his runs didnt leave him much time for a social life. He had no plans, Just roll with the punches was his motto. Having just had his 30th birthday, his parents were nagging at him to find the right woman. Although the late nights on the road found him longing for female attention, he wasnt ready to settle. He still lived in his parents basement, when he was home. The small farm house was quaint and all he ever knew. He didnt see the point in getting his own apartment as most of his time was spent in the cab of a truck. Jason enjoyed traveling and seeing all the parts of the country. Because he loved his job, he had no intentions on switching careers. Jasons other passion was singing. The nights he was off were spent in the local karaoke bar. The women swooned when they heard his country voice. Usually he would drive them to a motel in his rusty 86 Chevy and have a one night stand. That was all Jason needed. He didnt have a desire to be tied down. One warm summer day in July, Jason was doing a run from Alabama to Connecticut, hauling 40,000 pounds of peanuts. He stopped at a rest area off the highway in Virginia to gas up his rig and get a cold drink. As he pulled in to the parking lot, he laid eyes on the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen. Cassie was standing outside of her car staring at the flat tire. She was dressed in a designer sleeveless, plum colored dress and matching plum stilettos. In her hand she had her iPhone getting ready to call for roadside assistance. Jason couldnt take his eyes off the woman standing there. She obviously was in distress and needed help. She was fidgeting with her phone and he saw his opportunity. He parked his truck and hopped down from the seat. As he got closer, he could see the intricate design her golden hair was in. He picked up the pace and could smell her floral perfume when there was only a few feet separating them. Scuse me, maam, do you need some help? Jason asked. Cassie turned around, startled at the question from the strange man behind her. Im all set, thanks, she responded, brushing him off. He caught a glimpse of her deep blue eyes before she turned back around. Her eyes mesmerized him. He knew he needed to get to know this woman. Maam, if youre calling roadside assistance, I can guarantee you I can change that flat faster than theyll have a driver dispatched, he pleaded. Cassie spun back around, taking a good look at the man offering to help. He was a few inches taller than her, even in her heels. His dark brown hair was messy, greasy and looked like it hasnt been washed in a few days. Her eyes moved lower until they met his. The piercing blue held her attention for a minute. She shook her head, snapping back to reality. Jason was dressed in worn jeans and a plain black T-shirt. Cassie gave him a once over before wrinkling her nose. Im Jason Schmitt, he said, extending a hand. Cassie turned up her nose at him. She held up her free hand, shaking her hand. Please dont touch me, she said in a snobbish tone, this is designer, something you probably dont know about. Jason chuckled. Little lady, I know plenty about designer and the snobs who wear them. I offered to help you. Have fun waiting for that assistance thats going to take hours to come. Good day maam. With that, he turned around and started heading back to his truck.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 02:03:13 +0000

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