Lifes Plans Part 13 Jason made the trek back to Alabama by - TopicsExpress


Lifes Plans Part 13 Jason made the trek back to Alabama by himself. He would be lying if he said he wasnt lonely. After spending the weekend with Cassie, he was beginning to change his views on settling down. He knew it had only been a couple days and he had only skimmed the surface in getting to know Cassie but, what he did know, he believed he could love. Great, now Im getting all mushy and sentimental, he thought to himself. Late Sunday night, Jason arrived home to his parents house. He kissed his mother hello and went down to his basement bedroom. After unpacking his bags, he flopped down on his bed. He laid there with his hands behind his head, staring at the ceiling. All he could think about was Cassie. He couldnt get that damn woman out of his head. Once or twice, he swore he smelled her perfume. He convinced himself he was just tired and a good night sleep would do him good. Monday morning came too quick for Cassie. She yelled at her alarm before reluctantly getting out of bed. She hopped in the shower, her mind on Jason the entire time. The bath in the hotel room kept playing over and over in her mind. She finished her shower, shutting off the water. As she was toweling herself dry, her cell phone started ringing. Her heart leapt. Could it be? She said out loud. Cassie ran in to her bedroom, frantically searching for her phone. She stubbed her toe on the bedframe, letting out a few curse words before finding the phone. Without looking at the caller ID, she swiped the bar at the bottom to answer the call. Jason?! She answered, hoping it was him. No, Miss Williams, its Tanya. I wont be coming in today. My daughter is very ill. Disappointed, Cassie wished her employees daughter well and hung up the phone. Cassie herself didnt even want to go to work but, the advertising world doesnt stop just because youre sad. Jason woke up not feeling well Monday morning. He wasnt sure what was bothering him but, he had an idea of the cause. He was missing Cassie like crazy. Hed never had feelings like this before. No woman had ever had this effect on him. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. After taking a quick trip to the bathroom, Jason grabbed his phone and checked for any missed calls. None. He wondered why she hadnt called. Surely she had fun, didnt she? He asked himself. He stared at the screen of his phone, willing her to call. After ten minutes, he decided it wasnt working. Maybe I should just call her, he thought. Cassie stared at her closet full of designer clothes. After the weekend she had, none of them seemed to matter anymore. Jason had shown her a different way of life. She didnt need to be a snob. She could enjoy things without money. Jason was all that mattered now. After twenty minutes of staring blankly at her closet, she finally selected a black pant suit. The pink pin stripes running down the length of the jacket and pants matched the pink silk top she donned underneath. She glanced at herself in the mirror, trying to figure out what to do with her hair. Deciding on an updo, she finished the look with a few clips to hold the fly always in place. Cassie applied a little make up. Nothing like what she would normally wear. She knew Jason wouldnt like to see her face with coverup caked on it. The pink eyeshadow she chose closely matched her pant suit and blouse and accentuated her eyes nicely. Satisfied with the look, she made her way to the kitchen. The aroma of coffee hit her nose as soon as she walked in. She thanked her lucky stars for the automatic brew feature and grabbed her travel mug from the cabinet. After making her coffee, she went over her mental checklist for the day. She had a meeting at ten and the rest of the day was wide open. She could finally get caught up on the employee reviews she decided before grabbing her purse and keys. As she made her way through the kitchen and in to the garage, her phone started singing her favorite song. Placing her purse on the hood of her car, she quickly grabbed the phone out of it. Glancing at the caller ID, she saw it was him. Her heart started pounding in her chest and the butterflies danced in her stomach. Hello, she barely managed to answer. Hi, baby, was all Jason said. Attempting to maintain her composure, she replied hi Jason. How are you? Missing you, lover, Jason told her. Cassie wanted to do a happy dance but, her knees went weak at the sound of his voice. I miss you, honey, she said, I want to see you. Im going to come there today. I need to talk to you. Cassies heart sank. About what? Ill talk to you when I get there. Ill see you for dinner tonight. Ill be at your house by six. Jason ended the call saying, bye baby. Cassie was on the verge of tears. What did he need to tell her? She kept playing different scenarios in her head the whole way to work. After hanging up the phone with Cassie, Jason wanted to cry. He needed to tell her his deepest secret but, he knew it would probably end their relationship. He couldnt hide it any longer. He couldnt keep this up without giving her his all. Without telling her he was a Dominant. ~Skye
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 02:23:39 +0000

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