Light verses dark! All people come to know how stark the contrast - TopicsExpress


Light verses dark! All people come to know how stark the contrast between the full day and the dead of night (pun intended) as well as all the ramifications. It is nearly impossible to see or do anything in the night yet, because we now in just a few hours we will have the light once again in order to see and work, we resolve to sleep and wait. Unfortunately, few come to see the full spiritual import of this reality in contrast between the two. Why? Because we were all born into spiritual darkness and cannot see except we are translated out of the dark and into the light...and yet, I will attempt as best I can, typing on this little cell phone with errors and all to plant the seeds of light which comes from the increated, eternal life of God the Father to men of faith through the Lord Jesus Christ. Fairness is really the absence of God, the Life of God which gives life to all living things. When the Creator told Adam he would die,die if he ate of the tree of knowledge what this meant is that in this open act of defiance and disobedience, mans spirit would die immediately because His sin would separate him from the full light of His life which eminates outward from wwithin the human spirit and out to the soul and the body of man. Because this fruit was the fallen/darkness nature of Satan, the darkness of corruption entered the race of man causing a gradual degradation unto the end conclusion of the bodies physical death, separating the soul from the body. Over time, this Satanic element of the corrupting darkness moved from the body into the soul causing not only a veil of darkness between man and God but also causing the soul to mutate into the sinful flesh which would move further from God and His kingdom and deeper into the valley of the shadow of death in the construct of the world. At the moment of conversion, turning not merely from sin but from the darkened state of the soul life with the indwelling flesh, the Satanic life nature and its ties to, and affinities for the world construct, while at the same time facilitating the move to the spiritual man, led in spirit by the Life giving Spirit of God. Even though at the first it may seem like everything is new and full of light, yet this is merely just the beginning. ..just your initial introduction to the light of life. Henceforth, that newness of light must be carefully, faithfully and deliberately cultivated and nurtured along. The heart of the man, you see must give way to its firm affiliation to the world construct because it obstructs the light of light from gaining entrance into the soul for full illumination. This however is NOT a preferred option for the sons of light but an absolute necessity and requirement for entering the kingdom of heaven! Now then, I said all that as a set up to shed more light into the darkess (that is, the darkened soul) for those who can accept it. You see, there are essentially two classes of Christians. Those called and those chosen. There is much debate and confusion over this but I can assure all, there is neither confusion nor debate in the fullness of light. This had already been revealed to me before but today the Spirit confirmed as I tried to convince a brother of the greater need for sanctification in suffering the loss of self with its life in the world in order to begin to experience the flooding light of life into the soul for its enjoyment of the river of life and to be ready or qualified to enter the kingdom and to reign with Christ in the coming milinium. The children of light must be full of light, illuminated by the light of His divine life in order to be ready to reign with Him, otherwise they are NOT yet ready. The Spirit seemed to say that all the Christians who did not suffer the price of the loss of their soul life in the world, were not ready and would not be qualified to participate in this coming reign of Christ over the world. These would be left behind at His return and consequently, all who were not ready, sober and alert, with the illuminating light of eternal life , would be cast out of His immediate presence and remain much as they were in the darkened soul life for the balance of this one thousand years. Over the span of this time the contrast between the darkened soul verses the lighted spirit will become not only more apparent to thlose who did not make themselves ready prior too, would now become ready and qualified by a growing and intense hunger and desire for that light to finally swallow up all that remains of darkness in the soul. This will be such a great suffering so as to cause great weeping in sorrow and the gnashing of teeth in regret. Keep in mind, the word speaks of two levels or states of fairness in outer darkness and the outermost darkness. This shows too that darkness has a direct correlation to proximity to the presence of God which exists in the spirits of men, of those who believe and then accordingly to the level of that belief. Many people speak of wanting to be close to God yet not realizing that this has everything to do with the heart which stands between the Spirit, where God resides and the soul which is the authentic YOU. The heart is that veil of separation between God and the soul of man, removed in Christ, at the first, objectively and then worked out subjectively Over time in the souls cooperation with the Spirit unto sanctification in suffering the loss of that selfish soul life in the world! If we do not now suffer this loss of life, the veil remains and the soul life is excluded from receiving the full illumination of that light of life which dwells within the human spirit. I know that many do not like this because it is uncomfortable and they wish only to be comforted but we should realize that being transformed can never be in ease and comfort and as Paul confirmed, it is through many tribulations that we enter the kingdom. To enter the kingdom we must walk, and to walk we must have life overflowing and to have this life we must have first suffered the loss of all which was previously known to be life, though indeed it was death. For there is a way which seems right to a man (in the natural, darkened soul), but its end is the way of death, and yes, sadly, many who are called are not also chosen because they themselves do not chose to lose their soul lives by walking through the narrow gate and walking daily down the suffering of the constricted path that leads to the fullness of the eternal life.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 04:54:52 +0000

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