Lighthouse Beam April 13, 2014 One day in junior church, I - TopicsExpress


Lighthouse Beam April 13, 2014 One day in junior church, I taught about the Bible character Gideon. The following Sunday, for the sake of review, I asked if anyone remembered last weeks Bible hero. No hands went up. Okay, I said, Ill give you a clue. He fought a battle using only lamps, pitchers, and trumpets. Still no response. Maybe you remember how he used a fleece to learn of Gods will, I said. Ten little blank faces stared up at me. One final clue, I pleaded. There are people today who call themselves by the same name of our hero, and they go around putting Bibles in hotel rooms. The hand of one eight-year old eagerly shot up. Oh! Oh! he cried out, It was Hilton! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Sunday school teacher asked, How many of you want to go to heaven? Every hand went up but Little Bubbas. The teacher asked, Dont you want to go to heaven? Bubba said, Not with this bunch going! -------------------------------------------- Gods Word To You today is from Psalms 43:1-5 O God, and plead my cause against an ungodly nation; rescue me from deceitful and wicked men. You are God my stronghold. Why have you rejected me? Why must I go about mourning, oppressed by the enemy? Send forth your light and your truth, let them guide me; let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell. Then will I go to the altar of God, to God, my joy and my delight. I will praise you with the harp, O God, my God. Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. ----------------------------------------- IN LOVING MEMORY OF BEKAH STEVENS ------------------------------------------------ SPECIAL THOTS FOR SUNDAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A tailor was at work. He took a piece of cloth and with a pair of shining, costly, scissors, he cut the cloth into various bits. Then he put the pair of scissors at his feet. Then he took a small needle and thread and started to sew the bits of cloth, into a fine shirt. When the spell of sewing was over, he stuck the needle in the pin cushion very carefully. The tailors son who was watching it asked him: Father, the scissors are costly and look so beautiful. But you throw them down at your feet. This needle is worth almost nothing; you can get a dozen for a few cents. Yet, you place it carefully in the pin cushion. Is there any reason for this illogical behavior? Yes, my son. The scissors have their function, no doubt; but they only cut the cloth into bits. The needle, on the contrary, unites the bits and enhances the value of the cloth. Therefore, the needle to me is more precious and valuable. The value of a thing depends on its utility, son, not on its cost-price or appearance. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Gods Purpose Behind Your Problems Life is a series of problem-solving opportunities. The problems you face will either defeat you or develop you – depending on how you respond to them. Unfortunately most people fail to see how God wants to use problems for good in their lives. They react foolishly and resent their problems rather than pausing to consider what benefit they might bring. Here are five ways God wants to use the problems in your life: 1. God uses problems to DIRECT you. Sometimes God must light a fire under you to get you moving. Problems often point us in a new direction and motivate us to change. Is God trying to get your attention? Sometimes it takes a painful situation to make us change our ways. Proverbs 20:30 2. God uses problems to INSPECT you. People are like tea bags... if you want to know whats inside them, just drop them into hot water! Has God ever tested your faith with a problem? What do problems reveal about you? When you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full of joy, because you know that these troubles test your faith, and this will give you patience. James 1:2-3 3. God uses problems to CORRECT you. Some lessons we learn only through pain and failure. Its likely that as a child your parents told you not to touch a hot stove. But you probably learned by being burned. Sometimes we only learn the value of something – health, money, a relationship – by losing it. ... It was the best thing that could have happened to me, for it taught me to pay attention to your laws. Psalms 119:71-72 4. God uses problems to PROTECT you. A problem can be a blessing in disguise if it prevents you from being harmed by something more serious. Last year a friend was fired for refusing to do something unethical that his boss had asked him to do. His unemployment was a problem – but it saved him from being convicted and sent to prison a year later when managements actions were eventually discovered. You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good... Genesis 50:20 5. God uses problems to PERFECT you. Problems, when responded to correctly, are character builders. God is far more interested in your character than your comfort. Your relationship to God and your character are the only two things youre going to take with you into eternity. We can rejoice when we run into problems ...they help us learn to be patient. And patience develops strength of character in us and helps us trust God more each time we use it until finally our hope and faith are strong and steady. Romans. 5:3-4 God is at work in your life – even when you do not recognize it or understand it! But its much easier and profitable when you cooperate with Him! as seen in firstIMPRESSIONS vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Anytime, Anywhere A few years back, we had fun planning a special family vacation. My husband and I, our children and spouses and the five oldest grandkids were going out west to ski on Spring Break week. We were all very excited, especially since we live in a warm climate. First morning almost everyone headed to the ski slopes. My daughter, a new mom, went for some R&R, and I set out for a walk. Light snow was flurrying, and even against a grey sky it was beautiful. Not too far away was a church. I eased into a small back pew. Communion was being celebrated during the service. As I made my way up front, I looked out across the people. So many different faces, so many different reasons that might have brought them there. No doubt many had come to simply worship our Lord. Others, though, perhaps out of desperation, or with a faint hope. I thought, so many different cries of the heart, yet God hears them all. Several times over the years I had sought out this peaceful place. It had always been a safe, sheltering place to pray. It is wonderful to have the opportunity to go to a church or place of worship to seek God and meet with Him. However, we can do that anytime, anywhere. No matter what is on our minds or our hearts, no matter what our needs or desires are, Jesus is always available to us. Anytime, anywhere. That is good news. …..Sally Kennedy --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITS ALL ABOUT ATTITUDE I woke up early today, excited over all I get to do before the clock strikes midnight. I have responsibilities to fulfill today. I am important. My job is to choose what kind of day I am going to have. Today I can complain because the weather is rainy or... I can be thankful the grass is getting watered for free. Today I can feel sad that I dont have more money or... I can be glad my finances encourage me to plan my purchases wisely and guide me away from waste. Today I can grumble about my health or... I can rejoice that I am alive. Today I can lament over all my parents didnt give me when I was growing up or... I can feel grateful they allowed me to be born. Today I can cry because roses have thorns or... I can celebrate that thorns have roses. Today I can mourn my lack of friends or... I can excitedly embark upon a quest to discover new relationships. Today I can whine because I have to go to work or... I can shout for joy because I have a job to do. Today I can complain because I have to go to school or... I can eagerly open my mind and fill it with rich new tidbits of knowledge. Today I can murmur dejectedly because I have to do housework or... I can feel honored because God has provided shelter for my mind, body and soul. I get to play a big part into what kind of day I will have! author unknown ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Enjoy your Sunday! And remember... Pigs dont know pigs stink. Love thru Jesus, Perry lighthousebeam
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 13:17:51 +0000

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