Lighthouse Beam April 18 7 19, 2014 During training exercises, - TopicsExpress


Lighthouse Beam April 18 7 19, 2014 During training exercises, the Lieutenant driving down a muddy back road encountered another car stuck in the mud with a red-faced colonel at the wheel. Your jeep stuck, sir? asked the Lieutenant as he pulled alongside. Nope, replied the Colonel, coming over and handing him the keys, Yours is. ---------------------------------------------- The map her friend had drawn indicated that the client, a country vet she was to see, lived in the second farm past Wyinda road. Try as she might, the vet could not find a Wyinda Road anywhere! Exasperated, she finally stopped to ask directions. She stopped and asked at Bubbas house. I aint never heard of no Wyinda Road. said Bubba. But ya might try askin old man McGillicuddy, hes lived round here for better n 70 years. Thanks, replied the vet. Where can I find him? He lives on the second farm past the Y in da road. ------------------------------------------------------------------- TV commercials urge you to buy incredibly expensive sports shoes, implying that somehow theyll improve your game. Basketball star Charles Barkley set the record straight, saying: These are my new shoes. Theyre good shoes. They wont make you rich like me. They wont make you rebound like me. They definitely wont make you handsome like me. Theyll only make you have shoes like me. Thats it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dont measure the size of the mountain until you talk to the one who can move it out of your way. -------------------------------------------------------------- Jesus went up on the side of the hill. He sat there with his followers. It was almost the time for the Jewish Passover festival. — John 6:3-4 (ERV) Key Thought: If Gods people live with a proper sense of urgency and passion before the lost world, they are going to grow weary. They will grow weary physically. They will grow weary spiritually. They will grow weary of all the demands placed upon them. Jesus frequently got away from the crowds, or at least tried to get away from them for a time, and he spent time with his disciples. Some of that time was for rest. Some of that time was for teaching. Some of that time was for prayer. We must realize that we all need some into the hills time where we can be in Jesus presence, learn from him, rest in his grace, and speak with him without being in a hurry and without the urgency of pressing demands. How are you doing with your into the hills time? A short email or online devotional fits our harried lifestyle and can sustain us for a time, but we all have to have some into the hills time. Set aside some time each day to be in the Fathers presence and go into the hills with Jesus! ------------------------------------------ Later, Jesus went across Lake Galilee (Lake Tiberias). Many people followed Jesus. They followed him because they saw the ways Jesus showed his power by healing the sick people. — John 6:1-2 (ERV) Key Thought: Folks follow the show, especially if they can get something for free. This chapter begins with a huge crowd that was seeking to commandeer Jesus ministry for their own reasons. It ends with most of them turning away. We also get to see what makes up the heart of a true disciple who does not turn away from Jesus just because things grew tough. However, the point we might want to make here is that when we do acts of kindness, service, and genuine compassion in the name of Jesus, people cant help but be attracted. Yes, some will turn away when hard times or difficult truths confront them, but others will come to Jesus and be saved and blessed. So lets serve and bless and let Jesus take care of the rest! ---------------------------------------------- Jesus said to them all: If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it. — Luke 9:23-24 Ive just got to find myself. Wont ever happen. We do not find ourselves or find our life by pursuing it. We find it by losing it in something, or someone, greater than ourselves. We find our life by losing it to Jesus and the work of his Kingdom. ------------------------------------ IN LOVING MEMORY OF BEKAH STEVENS ---------------------------------------------- The past two days have been pretty up and down for me. I was excited because Drew and his girlfriend, Pride, would be here around 7:30 or 8 pm that evening and stay here all day Friday until traveling to her parents Saturday morning. All of that sounds pretty good, right? Well it was until I got sick. Since my stroke I have been able to get sick very quickly, lol, so I used this talent on Thursday evening. All was fine, they got here and we all were laughing, eating, whatever, until about 10:30 I started feeling bad, then by eleven I was running a fever that soon went up to about 103. While Bekah was away at college and would come home infrequently, I would every so often get these fevers, she was ready to call the paramedics immediately. Drew was living here at the time so he and Myra would calm her down, they explained that for awhile at first they too would have called an ambulance for me, and at first they did, but they found out that unless I was throwing up that all I got was a ride in the ambulance and a few days in the hospital. Yeah, I get it, theyre not doctors, BUT there have been several things that I go through because of my stroke that we have been told to do to save me a trip to the ER. So, to make a long story shorter, I was sick with a fever Thursday night and didnt sleep much then I slept almost all day Friday! So as another benefit of my stroke, I missed out on spending a rare day with Drew, bummer. And since I was out most of the day Friday, well, there was no Beam! Anyway, weve learned not to get to excited about things that we can control. Weve figured out that things out of our control are things that we should be sure that they are taken care of. We all know of situations, activities, and places we can go that make it easier for the Devil to tempt us. But now that we have been delivered from his power, we dont want to put ourselves in a position of vulnerability again. Why do I bring this up? Because I believe that we are living in the last days. And one of the prophetic signs we sometimes forget about is that in the last days, there will be a great apostasy, meaning that people will fall away from the Lord. (Hmmm, does THAT sound familiar). According to 1 Timothy 4:1, Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons. This means that in these critical days in which we are living, the Devil is walking around like a roaring lion, looking for people that he can pull down (see 1 Peter 5:8). The book of Hebrews warns about the perils of spiritually turning away. Hebrews 3:12 tells us, Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God. Notice this verse doesnt address unbelievers. Rather, it is a warning to Christians. The passage continues, But exhort one another daily, while it is called Today, lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end (verses 13-14). Did you catch that? You will become partakers of Christ — if you are faithful to the end. In other words, you need to cross the finish line. So, my family refuses to let this stroke take over our minds, as you shouldnt allow the world and all of its trappings to overtake your mind and make you think that you are doing what is right. Read these scriptures in your own Bible and see that a life lived for God and by what the Bible says, well, that gets you ready for anything. And remember... Pigs dont know pigs stink. Love thru Christ, Perry lighthousebeam
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 15:25:22 +0000

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