Lighthouse Beam April 23, 2014 Ive lost a lot of sleep over - TopicsExpress


Lighthouse Beam April 23, 2014 Ive lost a lot of sleep over the past few nights as my neighbors dog has been barking, howling and whining way into the late hours. I finally confronted him about his mutts unusual behavior and he said has developed a medical condition and there isnt much that can be done about it. Seems hes become quite edgy and easily agitated. I think they call it Irritable Bow-Wow Syndrome. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- My father is allergic to cotton. He has pills that he can take, but he cant get them out of the bottle. ------------------------------------------------------ Q: How many men does it take to change a toilet paper roll? A: No one knows, its never been done. ------------------------------ RANDOM STRANGE WAR TIDBITS The War of the Oaken Bucket (Italy), 1325-37 - When a group of soldiers from the city of Modena in northern Italy invaded nearby Bologna to steal a brown oak bucket, thousands of citizens were killed. Bologna became angry and went to war with Modena to take back their bucket and restore their pride. The two cities fought for 12 years and thousands of lives were lost. Modena won the war; the people of Bologna never got their bucket back. The War of Jenkins Ear (Great Britain vs. Spain), 1739-43 - War was declared after Captain Robert Jenkins appeared in Parliament holding the remains of his ear in his hand. He claimed that the Spanish had cut it off after boarding his ship in the West Indies, for they did not want English traders doing business in their American colonies. The war went on for four years, because of Jenkins and his ear. There was no clear winner; it ended in a draw. The War of the Fleeing Wife (Africa vs. Great Britain), 1879 - Umblana, the wife of the Zulu chief Sitlay, left him and hid in British territory. When the Zulus found her, they shot her. England declared war on the Zulus for crossing into their territory. The Zulu forces were crushed by the British. The Pig War (Austria-Hungary vs. Serbia), 1906-09 - Pigs were not allowed to be sold by Serbia to Austria-Hungary. Serbia wanted to become less dependent on goods from Austria- Hungary and started trading their pigs for French goods. As a result, Austria-Hungary got angry with Serbia and forced Serbia to find new markets for their pigs. The War of the Stray Dog (Greece vs. Bulgaria), 1925 - When the dog of a Greek soldier wandered across the border into Macedonia, the soldier ran after it and was shot by a Bulgarian guard. The Greek troops became so angry that they invaded Bulgaria. More than 50 men were killed before the League of Nations intervened and stopped the war. The Soccer War (El Salvador vs. Honduras), July 14-30, 1969 - Tensions from a soccer match between the national teams of El Salvador and Honduras, aggravated by the economic inequality between the two countries, escalated into fighting. Salvadoran immigrants were then expelled from Honduras and the countries went to war. Some 2,000 people were killed in 16 days. The Organization of American States intervened to end the fighting. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The eyes of the LORD are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good. — Proverbs 15:3 (NIV) ---------------------------------------------- This is how Jesus the Messiah was born. His mother, Mary, was engaged to be married to Joseph. But before the marriage took place, while she was still a virgin, she became pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit. — Matthew 1:18 nlt Key Thought While we try to describe how the Spirit of God works in our lives, a deep sense of mystery, wonder, and awe remains. How could God love us so much as to be present inside us through his Holy Spirit? This is an inexplicable miracle of Gods promise and grace. The Holy and eternal God comes to life in us through the Holy Spirit. The Spirit produces great changes in us because of his presence. So as unbelievable as the conception of Jesus the Messiah in the womb of the virgin Mary may seem, those of us who are followers of Jesus already have experienced a small taste of what happened in Mary — Jesus came to life in her through the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit. At the core of the gospel of Jesus is this truth: the Spirit of God brings life where there was none. This happened first in the womb of Mary. This happens later in the expectant hearts of those who believe that Marys boy was also Gods Son! ------------------------------------------------ Oh forgive us Lord, for so often we seek the things in your hand rather than the things of your heart. — Author Unknown ------------------------------------------------------- IN LOVING MEMORY OF BEKAH STEVENS -------------------------------------------- Max Lucado writes the following: God gives eternal choices, and these choices have eternal consequences. Isn’t this the reminder of Calvary’s trio? Ever wonder why there were two crosses next to Christ? Why not six or ten? Ever wonder why Jesus was in the, center? Could it be the two crosses on the hill symbolize one of God’s greatest gifts? The gift of choice. The two criminals were convicted by the same system. Condemned to death. Equally close to the same Jesus. But one changed and one did not. You’ve made some bad choices in life, haven’t you? You look back and you say, “If only I could make up for those bad choices.” You can. When one thief on the cross prayed, Jesus loved him enough to save him. When the other mocked, Jesus loved him enough to let him. He allowed him the choice. And he does the same for you and me. Then (the thief) said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom. Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:42-43 ---------------------------------- Its kinda busy here this morning, so even though I didnt write much myself. I still found time to do a little typing. That makes me wonder, sure, there are going to be days where I have no time to type at all, but does that mean that Ill never be able to type again? Not hardly! So why do we let our occasional busy times let us seem to forget to pray or read our Bible on a regular basis? Hopefully this doesnt describe you. Yeah, I know, I am in a different situation than most - I dont work or usually do I HAVE to be somewhere - but I do spread out my Bible readings/studies to several authors. I like to compare what they have to say about the same topic, I think its fun. Anyway, get in your Bible reading and make an effort to read it everyday! And remember... Pigs dont know pigs stink. Love thru Jesus, Perry lighthousebeam
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 14:48:17 +0000

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