Lighthouse of Alexandria Lighthouse of Alexandria or the - TopicsExpress


Lighthouse of Alexandria Lighthouse of Alexandria or the Lighthouse of Alexandria (Greek: Φάρος της Αλεξάνδρειας) - Pharos of Alexandria - of the Seven Wonders mentioned by the ancient Greeks, and was located on the tip of a peninsula Pharos Current place for Bey Citadel in Alexandria, Egypt. Is the first lighthouse in the world. Sostratos erected during the reign of Ptolemy II in 270 BC and was a rise of 120 meters and was destroyed in an earthquake in 1323. Description Fanar Historically, the Lighthouse of Alexandria, which was one of the seven wonders, has established in 280 BC, in the era of «Ptolemy II», was built by the architect Greek «Sostratos», and the length of one hundred and twenty meters, and some believe that the stones used in the construction of the castle Bey is one of the stones Fanar devastating, as the site of the fortress that is the same site of the collapsed lighthouse, has been described «Masoudi», in the year 944 AD , Fanar and honest description, and as a height of about 230 cubits. The earthquake occurred in 1303 during the reign of Sultan «al-Nasir Muhammad», struck the eastern Mediterranean, and ruined forts and walls and Alexandria Mnartha. The description «Makrisi», in his plans, what happened to the city from destruction, and stated that Prince «Rukn al-Din Bieber Aljchenkar» Omar may lighthouse, restored by any, in the year 703 AH. After that devastating earthquake half a century, visited «Ibn Battuta» Alexandria, in his second voyage, in 1350, he wrote: «and I went to the lighthouse, upon my return to the country of Morocco, and found it was seized by the devastation, so that can not be entered or climb it; was «King Nasser», proceeded to build a beacon Bazaúha, Fagah death for completion «. And tells of the Egyptian «son of menopause», that when he visited the Sultan «Ashraf Bey» Alexandria, in 1477, ordered to be built somewhere Fanar new tower, which Maaraf later tower Bey, then bishop Bey, which still exist, even today. Panel of the sixteenth century depicting Fanar Martin Hmscrik The lighthouse consists of four sections, the first is a square-shaped base, which opens many windows, and has about 300 rooms, equipped to residential technicians operators Manar and their families. The second floor, was octagonal, circular, and the third, and finally came top of Fanar, where settle lantern, lighting source in the lighthouse, topped by a statue of Isis Rabbo Fanar Isis Faria. It is interesting, that the name of the island «Pharos» note on the term has become a beacon, or lighthouse, in European languages, and I miss him the word «Varologia» to denote the science of lighthouses. How Fanar No one knows, for sure, how it was working lighthouse, or Fanar, has appeared some interpretations, did not settle experts and scholars on the history of any of them. There is a description of a huge mirror, refracting rays, at the top of Fanar, it offers a vision of ships coming, before it can be monitored with the naked eye. He has written the old Arab traveler «Ibn Jubayr», that he saw the light of the lighthouse from a distance of 70 miles, into the sea. There are reports that the novel mirror Fanar, and was one of the high-tech achievements in its time, had fallen and crashed in the year 700 AD, was not replaced by others, and has been described as functional Fanar since that time, and before it completely destroys the earthquake. It is said that the climb to the lighthouse, and get off of it, it was done by a spiral ramp The fuel, was lifted to place the lantern, on the last floor, by a hydraulic system. Forster has described another way to raise the fuel (wood) to the site of the lantern, he recalled that a long line of donkeys was in constant movement, Aitoagaf day or night, up and down, through the spiral ramp, carrying firewood on their appearance! Research on Fanar The team of researchers archaeologists, working location Bey, trying to get the stone blocks belong to the ruins of the lighthouse old and they know that it faced was carrying a commemorative plaque, carved Greek letters a huge, if they found the painting, or part of it, make sure of all that blocks the huge, sunken Active, are the ruins of the lighthouse. Some scientists are skeptical of history in the old lighthouse that is the source of these blocks, and thought it just rocks were received into the water, in the Middle Ages, as a defense measure to close the port before the ships Crusaders invaders. However, the «Jean-Yves Emperor» still insist on his belief that among these ruins sunken pieces of the body of Fanar, fell into the water when a huge crash that tower, by the earthquake. In order to confirm these possibilities, trying to Jean-Yves that keeps track of all directories and historical references about the size and body that building mysterious, that is mentioned and described in the writings of dozens of writers Greeks, Romans and Arabs veterans, who have registered descriptions of strange to him, but their writings not recover hatred Emperor, for generality and lack of accuracy, and sometimes conflict with each other. With greetings Mahmoud Mahzam
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 08:58:44 +0000

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