Lights on the visit of the President of the International - TopicsExpress


Lights on the visit of the President of the International Commission for Human Rights , Dr. Muhammad Shahid Iraq . Report photographer special voice Iraq Sadiq al-Musawi : At the invitation of the Iraqi Ministry of Human Rights visited the head of the International Commission for Human Rights and President of the World Peace Mission Organization , Dr. Muhammad Shahid Amin Khan on the tenth of April 2014 took a four-day visit . It is the first visit of the President of the International Commission for Human Rights of Iraq after refusing to three calls at the time of the former regime and by former Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz , and justified his refusal by the fact that the former regime indicators in monitoring the Commission for violating human rights ...... The head of the International Commission for Human Rights , Dr. Muhammad Shahid Amin Khan Is the head of an international organization with a partnership with the United Nations and the European Union and the Organization of the Islamic Conference and its connection with the Interpol and the International Tribunal , and with the images below and documents of the partnership with the United Nations and the European Union . The head of the International Commission for Human Rights Mamedd Dr Shahid Amin Khan is truly a man of peace and has several contacts with the heads of the world , a former minister in Pakistan He is the first Asian man elected to the Commission for two consecutive terms . Rounding sire At the end of the formation of the Commission ... Has been expressed by Dr. Mohammad Amin is very happy with this visit He said todays visit to Iraq came from in order to promote joint action with the UNHCR and the Government of Iraq and the work of a cooperation protocol with the Iraqi Human Rights Ministry and other ministries concerned in order to progress in the peace and respect for human rights and the expansion of granting freedoms of the Iraqi society . As well as he came to visit me for the inauguration of an official goodwill ambassadors for UNHCR in Iraq , namely Ambassador Sadiq al-Moussawi, media adviser to the president and the ambassador of the young Ahmed al-Rubaie . And handed over the books and identities brought with me after the oath ......... After arriving in Baghdad for half an hour began his tour to meet with officials The first visit was accompanied by the ambassadors of the Commission in Iraq To the headquarters of the newspaper people and meeting with Mr. Jassim Hilfi leader of the Communist Party and the Civic Democratic Alliance has been honored with the International Commission shield . It was the second visit To the home of Ms. Safiya al-Suhail and the delegations meeting with her sister , Dr. Raghad al-Suhail and honored shield Commission . It was the third visit Within official visits for the second day The delegations visit to the National Center for Human Rights in Baghdad The two sides discussed ways to improve the humanitarian work in Iraq and the exchange of experiences It was an expanded meeting with the heads of departments and center the debate on the future work of the joint between them . He asked the management of the Centre to reduce violations and work to improve the lives of the Iraqi people . Has raised the issue of human rights violations in Iraq Fourth visit The headquarters for the meeting, a coalition of Iraq and the Secretary-General Sheikh Abbas al-Shammari and media adviser , Mr. Mehdi Yasiri Mr. Tawfiq al and others He was talking about the coalition s economic projects that cross- sectarian and his men economy and experience in many magazines . Fifth visit The Ministry of Human Rights and the meeting, His Excellency the Minister Mohamed Xiaa Sudanese , who expressed optimistic this visit is anticipated that was a long time ago in order to link the humanitarian positions with international organizations, which have a partnership with the United Nations and the European Union and the Organization of the Islamic Conference ... Sixth visit The headquarters of the accountability and justice, and was meeting with the chairman and his deputies and enumerate of characters, called Dr Amin Khan to reconsider the law, the Almighty and the granting of rights to individuals who have extended their sentences were released for their involvement with the community to rebuild Iraq and to promote peace . Seventh visit The Museum of violations of the former regime The meeting, Ms. Khafaji responsible for the Human Rights Commission Commission President was briefed on the exhibition of documents and models of torture in the prisons of the former regime Collectibles and torture of detainees and the mechanism and methods of repression by the former regime . Show was a documentary film about the crimes of the former regime . Eighth visit The invitation to meet Dr Iyad Allawi, a former prime minister , who is member of the board of the International Commission figures and an old friend of the President of the Commission , Dr. Mohamed witness , As embodied in the Commission members and participants and ambassadors , the most prominent of the former Lebanese Prime Amir Lahoud and former Iranian President Ali Khatami and the foreign ministers of Arab and foreign , and a lot of celebrity ambassadors and representatives of international artists .... Ninth visit The office of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki professor The meeting was the director of the office of Dr. The Commission handed over the shield to the Iraqi prime minister . The visit of the tenth Was the headquarters of the Ministry of Labor and Social Among the religious visits to the President of the Commission was To restrain shrine of Imam Musa Bin Jaafar , Mohammad Jawad peace be upon them . As well as visit the shrine of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Kilani , and visit the mosque and shrine of Sheikh Abu Hanifa The last religious visits to the holy city of Karbala to the shrines of Imam Hussein and his brother Abe Fadl al Abbas peace be upon them . The paragraph oath ceremony for the inauguration of the ambassadors of the International Commission for Human Rights in Iraq And delivery of books and identities of the formal labor to serve the Iraqi people and to strive for peace in Iraq , A new era for peace and stand by the oppressed and defeat terrorism It was the inauguration of Ambassador Sadiq Abdul Wahid al-Moussawi, an official ambassador for the International Commission for Human Rights and the media adviser for President in Iraq , It was also honored young Ahmed Nassar al-Rubaie, an ambassador for young people , was done through official decrees Hosted by the President of the Commission in the presence of Lebanese Consul in Iraq, Mr. Fadi Yassin The head of the world held Ambassador Dr. Muhammad Shahid Amin Khan press conference which was held at the Sheraton Hotel in the presence of the ambassadors of the International Committee for Human Rights in Iraq : media advisor to the Prime Global Mr. Sadiq - Moussawi and Mr. Ahmad Nassar al-Rubaie . Almatmrasahfa The head of the International Commission for Human Rights : The visit to Iraq to find fertile ground . It is a great honor that today met a group of journalists and media workers Who face harsh conditions in their hard work in Iraq . He said that the visit is a visit to Iraq on purely humanitarian and not political in order to find solutions to solve the problems faced by the people, and promised to provide support for the Iraqi people through his meeting with a number of Iraqi leaders . I am very happy to contribute to the solution of even a fraction of these problems , and although there are some differences between the Iraqi leaders , but pleasing to the number of many Iraqi leaders all have the spirit of unifying efforts to unify Iraq is passing through the worst conditions in their war with terrorism , regardless of the political parties today are different among themselves , but must unify their quest to serve the Iraqi people . About the formation of the Commission and its field .. Founded the International Commission for Human Rights by seven international organizations in London on December 10, 1988 and the establishment of an international network of human rights. Maqralomana general current in Poland Founded to create harmony between religions and ethnic groups and sectors of society to promote peace and justice all over the world and the development of a culture of peace and religious tolerance and political worldwide As well as the elimination of sectarianism , extremism and terrorism and all kinds of racial prejudice , and promote human rights in the world. In order to create a society based on justice, cultural and economic And the promotion of cultural and religious brotherhood and tolerance The International Commission for Human Rights is dedicated to the protection of human rights in all parts of the world and cultural reinforcement of peace among nations. Ambassadors and staff in the Office of standing firmly to prevent sectarian and racial discrimination , to protect people from inhumane conduct in wartime , And bring the perpetrators to justice . And exposing human rights violations The address of the governments and officials who are in power to end abusive practices against their own people and for the respect of international law of human rights. The International Commission for Human Rights issued an annual report which shed light on human rights violations , abuse and other issues related to democracy , politics and processes of extrajudicial killings , as well as honor crimes , and child trafficking and terrorism all over the world . Sadiq al-Moussawi, the preparation of the report Director of the Voice of Iraq - Ambassador and media adviser to the president of the International Commission for Human Rights .
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 21:11:51 +0000

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