Lightworker-ism and New Age-ism is just like religion. In fact, - TopicsExpress


Lightworker-ism and New Age-ism is just like religion. In fact, many people tend to gravitate towards those things when leaving a religion because of how similar Lightworker-ism and New Age-ism is to religion (in many respects). Being in religion, or in many cases just growing up in the homogenized society with unaware parents has played a major role in crippling the intellectual capabilities of humans, turning them into dumb ass, mindless drones who will never truly become aware of their true spirituality in this Life. And at an unconscious level they KNOW that they will never become aware of their true spirituality within this Life, hence the reason why at a conscious level they like to act as if they are certain about everything (pushing Love and Light), even when they are dead wrong. They dont know themselves. They dont know the divine. They live out of tune with nature. So pathetic... They dont even breathe correctly. They dont value themselves. They have low self-esteem, etc. And so they will never trust themselves enough to turn within. They are too cowardly for that, and justify that cowardliness within themselves by demonizing the ego. They will never utilize independent, free thinking. Its a shame. They are afraid of the dark, and so they embrace the illusion of light even whilst they are still in the dark. Being in the dark and embracing that teaches a person to see (which breeds illumination / light from within). However, embracing the light (which the seeker does) is an external journey of pursuing the lights similar to watching the lights on a television (Tell-Lie-Vision) screen, getting further and further entranced into the illusion. Those who are lucky finally realize the illusion (their insanity) for what it is through years of embracing it, and began to turn within themselves to where the darkness is. And within that they find the true light and become enlightened (illuminated). You see, there is no light at the end of the tunnel because you are the light at the end of the tunnel. Once illumination takes place from within, the tunnel dissolves... and one finds that theyve actually been free all along.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 11:23:26 +0000

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