Like Dr Emotos findings on the structure of rice/water and how - TopicsExpress


Like Dr Emotos findings on the structure of rice/water and how negative thoughts/emotional abuse harm molecular structure - the same translates to people. I felt especially spiritually connected to Dr. Emotos work this past week leading up to his passing from this world, unknowing why I felt this having written about this years ago! Sometimes pieces of a puzzle take a while to integrate. During this past weeks eclipse leading up to now.. like a piece of rice in Dr Emotos scientific studies - being spit and chewed apart by my birth family this past week when i asked for help, I asked why? I prayed, I forgave and I marched on.. Prayers and faith let me hold tighter to why I was lead to play the victim this week after a long time..but I realize now it was a true test in humanity when I asked my siblings for help six days ago - something I never do and something I have only done once before. The unresponsive nature and verbal assaults of hate followed.. much like the rice in Dr Emotos experience - they were ripping me apart and it felt energetically draining and made me sad. Instead of getting angry, I prayed and asked them to stop and protected/self-nurtured myself. I also reached out to my support system - other enlightened people to help me heal and re-fuel. I also reminded them that they owe me nothing and that I found myself needing help and my mother being abusive again and I asked: have I not been good and loving towards my six niece and nephews over the years? have I not shown them kindness, love and done nice things for them? My emails for 6 days went unanswered until a verbal assault came back calling me toxic names. Like the Andrew Vacch article, my sibilings have always vyed for the pecking order of hate my parents conditioned them to have towards me as the target child - but I am no longer playing the role of that victim. I am grateful to have friends and family members who DO love, who DO care, and who passed this test with flying colors! My cousin Marcie in South Florida and my LA cousin Stevie immediately responded to my need for help with love and kindness.. humanity is in their nature by example. When someone ignores someone in pain who needs help - whether they are family or not - it is always a test in your humanity. Dont fail the test that may come to you one day! There is always a new day and a chance to do right by others. I reminded my siblings that this was a test in humanity and that they failed - but they too, have a chance to do right and who am i to judge them.. we all have to answer to a higher power and learn our lessons. Today is a new day. I always forgive and pray they too are happy and healed but I go where the love is .. . I have no shame sharing this story because the truth needs to be told. I continue to pray that this valuable lesson gives them a heart and soul that learns to heal and love.. It is not by accident that Dr. Emoto passed away yesterday.. he was showing me the way to show my birth family and everyone in this world the example of humanity... human love and kindness forever.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 14:02:49 +0000

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