"............Like Gold...." for all my "Golden" Friends Although - TopicsExpress


"............Like Gold...." for all my "Golden" Friends Although like humans, we are often grateful for those things we term as perfect and beautiful, but God’s definitions are certainly different from ours. Even those situations that we so detest were plans orchestrated by God to take us to his expectations. Our ability to be steadfast and strong is dependent on the stuff we are made from. So let me ask you; What stuff are you made of? Studying Applied Geology brought me closer to the reality of gem stones and beautiful metals - amethyst in its purple splendour, acquamarine in its sea blue grandeur, the blasting fire in red ruby and the green life in emerald. Moving to the metals, Gold stands out. Gold is truly beautiful! Its yellow lustre simply irresistible. Beyond its beauty, Gold is enduring, valuable and highly sort-after. It’s an international currency and can be held as an investment because it often appreciates in value and has a second hand value. Most people want to own gold either as adornments or monuments. Many of us wants to be Gold itself. However how many of us are prepared to go through the process that Gold go through before its attains its value and premium? Raw gold either crystalline gold from the belly of the volcanic rocks or alluvial/placer gold washed into stream beds are never found pure. It comes with very many impurities. Gold is refined either by the raging and unpathetic flames of fire or by merciless spirit of chemicals such as Nitric acids. Although Nitric acid destroys most metals, it purifies and brings out the best in Gold. .....Like Gold, we must very soft and malleable. We must be flexible to twist, roll and be shaped into different beneficial sizes according to the mercies of God. Soft enough to accommodate others and firm to show strength of reasoning .......Like Gold, we must be very Ductile. Gold stretches to thin translucent sheets without breaking. Situations and Circumstances will stretch us to different limits, but like gold, we must never shatter into unrepairable pieces. .....Like Gold, we must be unreactive. We must display Self Control and be referred to as noble like Gold. It does not react with its environment. It does not rust nor tarnish. We must learn not to allow situations and circumstances dictate our disposition. ......Like Gold, be an excellent thermal Conductor. You can also take the heat off people who are down. Become an encourager instead of the complainer. ........Like gold be grateful that the challenges and trials of life, helps to purge us clean of the impurities. Like the alloy of gold, used to strengthen it for use, so are the various challenges of life that helps toughen us for the Journey ahead. We must be grateful that God found us and is moulding us to the person suitable for the purpose for which we were first created. Circumstances that have destroyed others should be a process of purification and strengthening for us . All that glitters is not gold. Do you have gold in you? What karatage do you possess? 24 carat, 12 carat or zero carat? What glitters in you? I love the lessons of Gold, what about you?
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 15:36:46 +0000

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