Like Ravana, the banias too will never admit that they have set up - TopicsExpress


Like Ravana, the banias too will never admit that they have set up the swarga of the diabolic ritual. Again, like Ravana, the banias have brainwashed the people into believed that the swarga of their diabolic activity is the abode of God. They have floated millions of stories about their mystic practices Ravana. Therefore, you must do something to dismantle their swarga of diabolism; if you want that the children of the world should survive. The practice of diabolism is spreading fast in the world and everybody knows about it but they have lost their thinking power and so they are helplessly depending on God’s intervention. The world is blissfully unaware of the secret designs of the banias who torment eighty four lakh lives to perform their diabolic ritual in order to curse the world as many times. People say that one has to go through of eighty four lakh lives. A number of stories in this connection are doing the rounds. All the living beings have been created by God. We can see this with our own eyes. Why should we be taken in by these stories? God’s creation is marked by its diversity. We can see a number of completely different species of creatures. Ever since all living beings have been created out of Mother Earth’s womb, human beings beget human beings; cows and bulls give birth to cows and bulls, buffaloes and bison, a horse. Similarly, wheat gives out wheat and mangoes are produced out of mangoes. The trees, the vegetation, the human beings, the animal etc. are born to their own species, which is quite evident. All living beings belong to different species. The banias torment eighty four lakh species on as many Kundis. Only the banias know the which all those species are which are sacrificed in their secret ritual to cause harm to the world. They, however, tell the world through various stories that God makes us undergo eighty four lakh different lives. In order to give a cover to their diabolic practice the banias have floated a number of stories to hoodwink the people. The fact is that every living being begets other living beings of their own species. This is what we see all round. They torment eighty four lakh living beings on as many Kundis. They have maintained a record of all the species. Each different being is torment on a different Kundis. The eighty four lakh living being had many different species. It is virtually impossible for us to count them all. Human beings, mute animals, the quadrupeds, the birds, the plants and trees – all are living organisms. That’s why it is not possible to keep an account of the entire creature in the world. Only the banias have this account because it is they who torment and kill eighty four lakh living beings on as many Kundis. The banias are the sole perpetrators of this diabolic ritual. They keep it a closely guarded secret. I came to know about this secret ritual just as Shanishchara had come to know about Ravana’s sinful activity. Ravana had tormented Shanishchara who witnessed the entire process and so he came to know about Ravana’s mystic ritual. The banias have similarly tormented me physically and that’s how I came to know the secret of their ritual. You, the Hindus, the Muslims and the Christians have been hearing and saying that there is a place known as hell where there are Kundis or pits. In fact, like Ravana, theses banias have set up a swarga or a secret place for performing the diabolic rite. They have tormented me by performing the diabolic rite. At the secret place where they perform this mystic rite, they have tormented animals and other living beings in order to curse me. It has deeply hurt my conscience and therefore I have, decided to expose the sinful activity of banias. There are references in ancient scriptures including the Puranas and the treatises on medical science, which testify that Ravana had used his diabolic power to corrupt the intellect of the divinities when he tormented Shanishchara, the latter informed the pious souls as well as the rulers about it which opened their eyes. Otherwise the whole world believed that Ravana was a great devotee because Ravana had influences their wisdom. Now these banias have damaged the thinking faculty of the people to a much greater degree and that’s why people think that there cannot be good governance without the support of the banias. They regard the banias as their mai-baap (benefactors). Those who work hard to grow foodgrains and contribute to the coffers of the rulers are not counted anywhere. It is an irony that importance is given to those who secretly motivate the foreign rulers to kill our own people. Outwardly they are friendly to all the people but they are always planning secretly to get the Hindus and the Muslims of India killed so that they can usurp their money. In order to grab the money of the foreign rulers and others in these countries, they will instigate them to kill one another. Then there will be very few people left’ in the world and the people of the bania community will outnumber them. Thus by destroying all the seven-eight continents, they will establish their own rule in those countries and grab their economic power. After the death of Raja Bal, the banias have started practising diabolism. Earlier their activities were confined to the kingdom of Delhi i.e. India, but now they have spread their tentacles to the countries overseas. These banias are making the children of the Hindus and the Muslims in India the target of their diabolic rite. Outwardly, they live a Spartan life. They are getting the Indian people killed by making a secret understanding with the foreign powers. The foreign powers are completely ignorant of their secret designs. They do not know that like Ravana, the banias are nurturing an ambition of expanding their supremacy to the four corners of the world. For this purpose they have lured the foreign rulers into invading India. On the pretext of approaching the foreign rulers they visit those countries and make a survey of each and every part of those lands. The rulers and others in these seven or eight continents are unaware of the secret planning of the banias who want to create rivalry among the various rulers so that they, driven by the over ambitiousness, and greed, may fight and kill each other. Those who are made the target of the diabolic ritual lose their sense of judgement and in that state of mind they become greedy and covetous. The people of all the seven or eight continents, who are generally peaceful, are instigated to finish off each other. The banias who are behind this disharmony live frugally to show to the world and maintain good relations with others. If ever, the kings were to know that the banias intend to capture political and economic power, they would wipe out the entire race of the banias and uproot their diabolic operation as happened in the case of Ravana. But they do not realize that the banias are destroying the wisdom of the people and luring them to rule India. These people of other countries are trapped and tempted to come to India. They begin to torture the children of the Hindus and the Muslims in India and are kind to the banias and the banias, like Ravana and Hiranyakashipu are monsters capable of destroying the offspring of the Hindus and the Muslims and other communities living in different countries. When Ravana practised diabolism, he was friendly with rulers of other kingdoms and asked them to trouble the Indian people. He had good relations with Maha Ravana. Ravana performed religious duties to show to the world and therefore people thought that he was a virtuous person. Similarly, the banias too pose to be religious and virtuous. They maintain friendly relations with the foreign powers and use their friendship in getting the Indian people killed. When Ravana tormented Shanishchara, the latter unveiled the misdeeds of the former. Then Maharavana and rulers of other kingdoms realized that Ravana intended to exercise his diabolic power to destroy the world by first destroying the intellect of its people. Having realized this the rulers of the world got united and dismantled the diabolic operation of Ravana. Thus the world could be saved from total destruction. Now people should launch a united fight against this diabolic web of the banias so that the future generation could be protected from annihilation. What people describe as the infernal structure equipped with the Kundis of blood and pus, is in fact the diabolic operation of the banias, similar to that of Ravana. The banias get secret rite performed by their own kin. This is the reason why no people other than those belonging to their community know anything about their secret activity. If efforts are not made to dismantle the diabolic network, the world cannot be saved from destruction. It can be saved only when people emulate their ancestors who had broken the backs of Ravana and Hiranyakashipu. They had tortured the demon kings to tell them the details of their swarga of diabolic operation consisting of eighty four lakh Kundis for tormenting as many living beings. They advised the demon kings, “If you will show us how you operate your diabolic system and then stop practising it, then we can grant you amnesty.” But the demon kings did not heed their advice. So the people killed them and finished off their sin. Now the banias are practising diabolism. They too are tormenting eighty four lakh living beings to harm the world. You should similarly punish the banias, ask them where the place of their secret rite is. As long as I am around the banias cannot succeed in their trickery. If during my lifetime, the banias remove the veil of secrecy from their mystic operation and stop practising it, they will not be harmed. Otherwise, they will destroy the thinking faculty of the people of the world. They have tormented me day in and day out which is why I have come to know about their secret operation. Kings and rulers of other countries are not aware of their misdeeds. So they can be easily misled. If they do not agree to abandon wizardly after showing to the world their mysterious process of tormenting eighty-four lakh living beings, this sinful practice will not come to an end. It has to be stopped while I am alive, otherwise it will continue to trouble the humanity. You have to deal sternly with the banias and till then in no uncertain terms that in order to curse the world they are engaged in a sinful act of tormenting eighty four lakh living beings at a place having Kundis filled with blood and pus. They have corrupted the intellect of the people who believe in their stories of heaven and hell. You have not seen it with your own eyes but you do hear about how the various creatures are tortured. All the Hindus and the Muslims have heard about their pain and suffering. A reading of this book will help you understand the whole thing and then you can take action to dismantle their diabolic operation. These banias will perform diabolism of mild intensity to misdirect your mind. Earlier also, these Kafirs (infidel) had misled the kings and rulers, as they say. If you do not make a serious effort to dismantle it, they will corrupt the mindset of the whole world. The dishonest banias do not intend to discontinue their sinful activity during my lifetime, because they want to doom the world and establish their supremacy. That’s why they have destroyed the wisdom of the people, who under their influence think that I am insane. The banias fear that if during my lifetime people make a determined bid to dismantle their sinful operation, they are most likely to succeed in their efforts. They know for certain that the Sadhu (referring to me) has the capacity to get this evil removed. They think so because I was tortured at the site of the sinful activity itself. They are corrupting the intellect of the people so that they are not able to understand the mystery behind their problems. But what will I do all by myself? Shall I break my head? I have undergone so much suffering for the sake of the people of the world. I have lost my health and physical strength. And these unscrupulous banias suggest to the people that I have gone mad. But the people are not to blame. They are under the influence of the unholy practice of diabolism. In my view it is the people who have lost their wisdom. And in their view I am the one who is bereft of sanity. I am so much worried but the people fail to see the reality. This pains me a lot. My worry is that when people fail to understand the reality of matter, how can they dismantle this evil? That’s why I am worried but the people are made to believe that I am not in my senses. Earlier, those pious souls who had suffered in their search for the cause of the human suffering and finally detected the source and acting on whose advice the people finished off the evil of diabolism, are greatly venerated by the people of the world even now. Ravana, Hiranyakashipu, Kansa and Karun had also brainwashed the people but not to a great extent with the result that they very soon could find out the truth. But these banias have corrupted the intellect of the people to this extent that they fail to understand however hard one may try. They will destroy all our children by their diabolism, if we do not dismantle it. Without that we can’t save ourselves. What you have been referring to as the swarga-Naraka is in fact the diabolic operation of the banias. If at all there is heaven or hell it is here on Earth, our Mother Earth. The entire creation exists in the paradise, the swarga. The banias have been causing famine by performing diabolic rite, ever since they targeted agriculture to create scarcity of food grains. Earlier, when there was no diabolic practice, famine was unheard of. There used to be plenty of rainfall resulting in bountiful harvests of food grains and nutrients. Water is the source of everything that we get for our sustenance. When the banias cause drought, Mother Earth gets sick. When they choose not to cause drought, they make Mother Earth suffer from an illness, which is caused by excessive heat and cold. As a result of this illness, all food grains, nutrients and vegetables are destroyed. When it rains, Mother Earth, like us human beings, drinks water. Just as when we human beings consume food or water its essence reaches each and every part of our body and our body remains fit as a fiddle. In the same way when it rains all over, Mother Earth remains healthy and fit. This bounteous rain used to occur when the banias and mahajans were not causing drought. But now the rainfall is so erroneous that if it is raining in ten villages, there will be twenty villages without having any rainfall. In one district there may be rainfall while another district may be completely dry. This is due to their magical power. They perform diabolic rite making Earth as the target of ill-effect. The effect of this black magic or diabolism clogs the nervous system of Earth. The part of Earth thus affected is deprived of rain. Other parts which are not sick, get usual rains. They have already spread Stories that a time will come when so selective will be the rainfall that one horn of a cow will get wet while the other will remain dry. Now, you see the time has come when one field is having rains while the adjacent field is dry. Imagine what will happen when the rainfall will be so precisely selective as to wet only one horn, while leaving the other dry. They cause illness to Earth affecting her lungs and heart and also her ‘nervous system’ which is why the rainfall is erroneous. If the diabolic rite on the eighty-four lakh Kundis targets head, heart, lungs or stomach, these parts of the human body begin to ache. Similarly, when the mystic rite targets Earth, she feels pain in different parts of her body. As a result she has gone weak. The gold and silver mines have disappeared. If it rains all over, the year is good for food production, because Earth has enough water to consume. But even when there is good rainfall all over, the ailments of flatulence, indigestion caused to Earth, damage the yield of food grains considerably. The people of the world begin to say that the saline water of the sea has rained down. Stories of this kind have already been floated by the banias. People are not aware that they have caused illness to Mother Earth by performing diabolism. When Earth is afflicted by flatulence and indigestion, the agricultural produce is spoiled by salinity. Just as when a man falls sick, the problem of indigestion and flatulence reduces his appetite and his intake of food decreased. In the same way when they cause indigestion to Mother Earth, it reduces production of food grains and nutrients. Mother Earth is a living being. When they make Earth, the target of their diabolic rite, she becomes ill, just as a man falls ill when he is made the target. This applies to all other creatures. What people call as the mines of gold and silver are in fact the fat contents in Earth’s body. The body of Mother Earth is similar to that of a human being. What more can I write about it? I am not imagining things. You and me – all of us, all the living beings who are in Mother Earth’s womb, are witnessing the whole thing. Mother Earth does have a body with its different parts. But these unscrupulous banias have captivated the thinking power of the people of all the seven or eight continents in the same way as Ravana had spoiled the intellect of the inhabitants of all the three worlds and so people do not realize that Earth is a living being. They have forgotten about the existence of the gold and silver mines. I too was as ignorant as others so long as I had not been tormented by the banias at the site Of their mystic rite. But now I know that there they are performing a sinful rite of diabolism to curse Earth and different living beings. Now that I have been tormented, I realize that Mother Earth is a living being and she has a body. The hills and mountains are her bones, soil is her flesh and gold and silver mines constitute fat in her body. The major rivers form the elementary canal and smaller streams and rivulets are veins and arteries. The Ratnakar (ocean) and the seven seas constitute Earth’s stomach. When it rains, Mother Earth consumes water which reaches her stomach through the elementary canal. But ever since the banias have caused drought and famine, the various diseases have made Mother Earth vary weak. As a result she lost her treasures of wealth. The money or cash has already been captured by the banias. This has created an excessive greediness among the Kings and the ruling class. The increasing poverty and starvation has given rise to a spate of thieves and dacoits. A number of people are turning to thieving. But nobody for a moment thinks as to where the wealth, which once was in abundance, has gone. Like Ravana, the banias have grabbed the money by corrupting the intellect of the people. None of the rulers or common subjects of any country knows where the mines have disappeared. Nobody seems to realize that the banias by their diabolic power have weakened Mother Earth as a result of which the fat of her body has dried up. This explains the disappearance of wealth and riches. How can we transact business in the world? The banias has misled the people who do not realize that Earth has a living body. They are causing severe pain to mother Earth by performing the sinful rite. The people in the world too say that Earth suffers a lot because of the practice of diabolism. During the times of Ravana and Hiranyakashipu in some ancient texts it was mentioned that Earth suffered because of the practice of diabolism. Like Ravana and Hiranyakashipu these banias are performing the diabolic rite making Earth target of curse. As a result Earth has become sick and the mines of precious metals have disappeared. Mother Earth has been suffering immensely ever since they have started causing drought. They have been causing eclipse and tremors and landslide. The diabolism of the banias causes splitting of land. After the death of Raja Bal they have been causing a variety of diseases to Mother Earth as a result of which she has gone weak and the mines of gold and silver have disappeared. Just as man loses much of fat in his body when he fails sick, in the same way Mother Earth has lost her fat because of her ill-health caused by the diabolism of the banias. Ever since the banias have started practising diabolism and causing drought, Mother Earth has not been getting enough water to drink. The illness has made had very weak. The banias have tormented me and that’s how I come to know about their secret designs which I intend to make public exactly as Shanishchara did. They have cast spell of their black magic on the people of the world including the kings and the rulers who are having weird dreams and have lost their wisdom. You do not know that the banias are performing diabolic rite day in and day out and thereby corrupting the intellect of the people. That’s why they don’t believe in what I tell them. Instead, they say that Ramchandraji, Bal and others are immortal and they are still alive. In fact no one is immortal. Yes their names are immoral. If some people believe in what I tell them, and say that Raja Bal and others are not immortal, these banias, by their magical power, cause the dreams to occur to them even when they are awake. Thus person who are dead and gone appear in dreams and people think that they are alive. Those in whose name the mystic rite performed appear in dreams. If for example, the mystic rite is performed in the name of Bhartrihari, Gorakhnath or Lord Shiva, they will appear in the dreams. Their names are immortal. Similarly, gods and goddesses appear too in dreams. If the diabolic rite is performed in the name of the evil spirits and witches, gods and fairies, they appear in the dreams. And people begin to say like this: ‘the women who died, has turned into a witch and the man who died, has become a ghost.’ In this way, different stories are told to different people. But people have lost their rational faculty to this extent that they are readily accepting all kinds of myths. And here I am telling them the truth but they think that I am misleading them. The banias has adopted diabolism to ruin the world. What you people have been describing as the Swarga-Naraka equipped with eighty four lakh Kundis is in fact the diabolic operation which make the faces of the dead persons of all the countries appear in dreams. When Ravana practised the art of diabolism, he too made people hallucinate. But the world didn’t see through his game. Just as Ravana tormented Shanishchara, these banias have tormented me. That’s why like Shanishchara did, I too want to guard your against their game plan. Let me tell you, these banias by their magical power make people visualize persons who have died long ago. They have killed millions of people who they say have turned into ghost and evil spirit. But they kill people by exercising their diabolic power. If they preformed the diabolic rite of mild intensity, the person who is its target, get sick. A break in this process provides relief to that person, who gets well. That person begins to tell others that a ‘healing touch’ of a Sadhu or faqir saved his life. In fact he got well because that diabolic rite was discontinued. The faqir was ‘advised’ to touch the sick person saying that his touch will restore his health. The faqir followed the advice and ran his hand on the body of the sick person. The sick person felt relief instantly. This was given wide publicity through books and pamphlets. This is the game of banias. When they are cause some illness to somebody giving an impression that his illness id due to the curse of the gods, goats and other animals are sacrificed to propitiate the gods. They stop the diabolic rite with the result that the person gets well. This strengthens the superstitious belief of the people who help spread further these myths relating to pleasure and displeasure of the gods. If the intensity of the diabolic rite on the eighty four lakh Kundis filled with pus and blood is increased, the target person dies and no amount of animal sacrifice can save him. No voodoo works. Of course one is immortal. But these banias, after Raja Bal, have been causing premature death. Earlier, no one died at a young age. They are doing so hoping that a time will come when the people belonging to their own community will far outnumber others who will then be reduced to microscopic minority. They will then rule the roost. It is their diabolism which is responsible for premature death of the people of the world. God has granted full span of life to everybody. Earlier, people lived full span of life. Now they are dying prematurely because of the mystic ritual of the banias. The whole world is witnessing this. No human being or animal is living his life span fully. Then are dying prematurely. This is due to the diabolic practices of the banias. Ravana, Hiranyakashipu and other demons started the practice of causing premature death to human being and other living beings. They attributed it to the ghosts and the evil spirits And gods and goddesses. Ravana and others had corrupted the intellect of the people who started sacrificing goats, buffaloes and other animals to propitiate gods. People did not know the reality. Even in those days men and animals died prematurely because of Ravana’s sin. God has given full life span to all living beings. But the incidence of premature death is due to the effect of diabolism. If somebody, whether man or animal, dies prematurely, you must be sure that someone is practicing diabolism. At present, it is obvious that the sinful act of diabolism is being practiced. People are sacrificing animals to propitiate gods, like Ravana did. If anybody has any doubt about it, he can see that the banias who are behind this practice. It is they who practice the black art but the blame goes to the gods. It is the banias who cause diseases to break out by their diabolic power and attribute it to the wrath of gods. As a result, the people, bereft of wisdom, sacrifice animals to propitiate the gods. This practice of sacrificing animals has been propagated in order to destroy the wisdom of the people. It is their plan to corrupt the intellect of the people at large by their diabolic practice. This is the reason why the banias cast their magical spell on the people who are motivated to adopt this practice of animal-sacrifice. Thus influenced they sacrifice goats, buffaloes etc., to propitiate the gods. The banias plan to spread this devilish practice of killing animals to the rest of the countries. This evil practice, which started after the death of Raja Bal, is prevalent in India these days. They will soon spread this practice in other countries of the World. They have planned it in such a way that when some benevolent king will find this evil practice gaining ground, he will think that those who are offering animals to the gods are the perpetrators of diabolism. He will not know that they are offering animals only because the banias have corrupted their intellect by their demonic science. The banias have themselves developed and practiced this esoteric science. They have been very clever not to let people know that they are the practitioners of this mystic ritual. They do not want that people should even know that they are the practitioners of the Indrajal. That’s why they attribute it to the witches, the gods and goddesses. They have been causing epidemics, drought and other calamities in different countries. The occurrence of epidemics, drought and other calamities is caused by the diabolism of the banias who explain away these calamities as the evil influence of Mangal (Mars), Shani (Saturn), and Shukra (Venus). But Mangal, Shanishchara, Shukra and other too were human beings who died after completing their life-span. How can they come back on Earth. Again, they sometimes indicate that a goddess will descend from Heaven and will fill her Khappar (Bowl). When the banias perform the sinful rite and all the countries are their target, epidemics break out in all the countries. If the target epidemics. You, the people of the World, have been hearing of prognoses to this effect through almanacs and other astrological writings. I am writing about only a few things. Whatever is written in the almanacs etc., about the diabolic science in the form of prognoses, comes true. You must have heard that all kinds of planets have been set against Earth. You- the Hindus, the Muslims, the Christians and other- many have heard about it through some books etc. These books had already been circulated and practiced diabolism and banias. Ravana had developed and practiced diabolism and corrupted the intellect of great sages who were then given the almanacs etc. containing material of demonic science. Now the banias have also corrupted the intellect of the Brahmans and then given them the dubious texts of demonic science so that the Brahmans will be punished for heretical writings. But clever as they are, the banias have taken enough care not to get their role exposed. Even if the kings and common subject come to know about this practice, they will conclude that it is the Brahmans who have developed and practiced diabolism and again it is the Brahmans who have circulated papers preaching diabolism. As a result, the axe will fall on the children of the Brahmans. The Brahmans, like others in the world, have lost their rational faculty. Just think, how was it possible for the Brahmans, wise as they are to behave irrationally unless there was some trick played on them? The banias have corrupted their intellect by practicing diabolism. Ravana had done the same thing with the rulers and common subjects of the entire world. The banias have indulged in various kinds of mystic rites to brainwash the people at large. They have produced a number of books containing numerous apocryphal stories stating that the gods are quite alive and are staying in the Heaven. These books, produced by the banias, bear the names of the saints and sages of the ancient times so that their role is not exposed. We must know that the gods have done good work, which is why their names have been immortalized. The banias make people ill by their magical power and create a feeling in them that their illness is due to the displeasure of the gods. They are made to sacrifice animals on the altar of the gods. This practice of animal sacrifice at the altar of the deities is gaining ground because a fear is struck in the minds of the people that the wrath of the gods has caused them illness. Ravana too had corrupted the intellect of godly people. But the intensity of his diabolism wisdom but not fully. But these banias have completely wiped out the wisdom of the people. They make people ill by their diabolic power and suggest to them that the deities want them to sacrifice animals. So when they sacrifice animals to propitiate the deities, they get well. What actually happens is that the mystic rite targeting them is discontinued and so their illness disappears. In this way they make people believe in superstition. Even the devout people fail to see through their sinister game. Even if one tells the people that this is a sinful practice, they do not listen. If some Sadhu or faqir feels pity for the animals being sacrificed and angrily admonishes the people saying, “You have become blind (in faith) because you are sacrificing innocent animals to propitiate the gods. Don’t do so,” that Sadhu or faqir is made sick by the magical effect. Then an idea is implanted in their mind that the gods are unhappy with them because they have stopped people to make the offering to the gods and have cast aspersions on them (the gods). So the gods have made them sick. The banias have captivated the wisdom of the Sadhu and faqir so much so that by striking a fear in their mind about the displeasure of the gods, they can make the Sadhus and faqir propagate the practice of animal sacrifice. The Sadhus do not realize that they have been deluded. Like Ravana the banias have held them in their diabolic trap and would not let them understand the reality and make them ill by their diabolic power. Then the Sadhu begins to think that the god is right and he is wrong. He think that he is ill because of the gods are displeased with him. He thinks so because of the effect of the diabolism of the banias. The banias have corrupted his intellect and made him believe that the gods are responsible for his illness. If in place of gods, they choose to suggest someone else, the people will believe in him. The Sadhus too begin to believe that the ghosts and evil spirit or the gods and goddesses need to be propitiated by animal sacrifice. The Sadhus and faqir are also made rich by the effect of diabolism and so they begin to believe and tell others that the practice of animal sacrifice is the right thing and they were wrong when they preached against this practice. They do not know that like Ravana, the banias have developed and practiced diabolism. This sinful rite belongs to the banias. If people come to know about the diabolic practice of the banias, they will kill the animals and throw their dead bodies at the door of the banias. But people are unaware of their dead bodies at the doors of the banias. But people are unaware of their occult practices. They attribute everything to the will of the gods. Ravana made people sacrifice animals to propitiate the gods. But when people come to know about the sins of Ravana, they finished off Ravana, Hiranyakashipu and other demons. Now these banias are practising diabolism which similar to the one practised by Ravana. I have discovered their sinful act. As the people in earlier times punished the perpetrators of this sin, so you should now dismantle the diabolic operation of the banias in order to do good to the people of the world. Ravana, Hiranyakashipu and others had practised diabolism the intensity of which was of comparatively lower scale and yet people made a mincemeat of each of them. But as far as these banias are concerned, there is no end to their sins. They have killed millions of people by their diabolic power. And the gods are blamed for this act. They say that people have died because of the curse of the gods. Similarly, they have killed millions of animals by performing the diabolic rite. But they make people believe that the calamity has occurred because the gods are displeased. They have corrupted the intellect of the people by their mystic power. That’s why you people sacrifice animals with your own hands to propitiate the gods. This obviously is a diabolic practice. Just go and find out which are the countries where animals are sacrificed to propitiate the gods. But the people of the world are not to blame. Because the effect of diabolism has blinded their vision. They think that their entire problems are due to the curse of the gods. The banias have corrupted their intellect so much that any advice not to continue an evil practice makes them wild with anger. This diabolism will go only when they will regain their lost wisdom. The banias have spoiled their mindset and made them kill animals. After the animals are killed, the skin from their bodies is peeled off and wrapped round the tender branches of the tree. As the skin dries up, the trees feel acute pain. You should know that the trees too have life as you and I have. That’s why they remain green. The trees are so pious and benevolent that they give fruit and flower to all. Their wood is used for different purpose. But the effect of diabolism of the banias has made us insensitive towards them and our thinking has been shaped by the banias by casting their diabolic spell. The banias have spoiled the intellect of the people so much that they believe in whatever the banias instill in their mind by means of diabolism. What you people-the Hindus, the Muslims, the Christians and others in the entire world are witnessing is the manifestation of the demonic science. All the plants and trees give us fruit and flowers. They are benevolent, pious and merciful. Theses virtues are not liked by the banias who have started the practice of the sinful act of diabolism. They have very cleverly corrupted the intellect of the people by their diabolic power with the result that the people of the world have forsaken the virtues of kindness and piety. Any act of kindness and charity in the name of the gods is rewarding and your children will reap its benefits. It is an act of righteousness to offer food to the saints and sages, faqir and Brahmans in the name of the gods. But to sacrifice animals at the shrines of the gods is a great sin. When they lived, they showed compassion even to the smallest creatures. But these unscrupulous banias make people ill by means of their mystic rite and then suggest to them that their illness is due to the curse of the gods. The people, in a state of helplessness, are forced to sacrifice animals to propitiate the gods. Then these unscrupulous banias stop their sinful ritual and the people get well. Thus the people are made to believe by magical influence that the gods needed the offering of the animals and that’s why they {the gods} caused illness, it is suggested to the people that the gods did not accept their offering of goats and the young buffaloes. Besides, in the countries, in which these unscrupulous elements intend to make people sacrifice animals, they stop rainfall and suggest to the people that the rains have stopped because they did not sacrifice goats or the young buffaloes to propitiate the gods. When people start sacrificing animals in village, the banias stop their diabolic ritual, the target of which was Earth, with the result that those villages have a good rainfall. If they do not stop this ritual, no amount of animal sacrifice can cause rainfall. The gods do not want the animals to be sacrificed. They are dead and gone. They cannot come back to ask for the animal sacrifice. The world is blissfully unaware that the effect of the diabolic ritual has made their intellect captive and that’s why they don’t understand things. They don’t realize that our ancestors were the great devotees and all of us venerate them. Bereft of the sense of right and wrong, we are simply following the sinful advice of sacrificing animals at the shrines of these holymen. It is a great sin. But they are not aware of it because they think that the gods want them to do so. The people of the world and the rulers are not to blame for this because their wisdom has been captivated by diabolism. That’s why they find all these evil practices worth following. Earlier, king Ravana by practising diabolism had corrupted the intellect of all the sages and holymen for which Ravana and his children were duly punished. In order to save your children from disaster, you have to dismantle the diabolism of the banias in the same way as the diabolism of Ravana was dismantled. Why do I write over and over again about what Ravana did? The entire world knows that the kings fought many wars to finish off the sin. When I refer to Ravana and others, the people of the world say, “Yes, those demons practised this sinful ritual.” So the entire world agrees with this and says that it is absolutely correct. But this sinful practice belongs rightly to the banias. I have made frequent reference to Ravana because when I tell the people about the diabolism being practised by the banias, they question me, “what is diabolism?” and then they say, “We don’t believe in this black art.” So brothers! You don’t believe in it, nor do you understand it. But we all see that the sun and the moon are accursed by the eclipse. Again, the Brahmans read almanacs and tell you six month in advance about the incidents of the coming year. The curse of the diabolism affects even the moon, the sun, Mother Earth, the rain, Death, air, and water. Where do we stand? You say that you do not understand or believe in the black magic. But in the earlier tomes, even the great sages were accused. We are nobody as compared to them You say that you do not understand black magic or diabolism. I am writing it in order to save the children of all the countries. I have suffered it. The world will be saved only when you dismantle this sin. But you don’t believe that this sin of diabolism exists. You do not know that they perform the sacrificial ritual and make you the target of the curse. It does affect you. During the times of Ravana and others the world was affected by their diabolic ritual. In the same way, now the diabolism of the banias is affecting everybody. But the people of the world do not understand. If they could see the ritual with their own eyes, then they can understand it. But like Ravana, these banias perform this mystic rite secretly. They are misguiding the people who think that their problems are due to the displeasure of the gods. Those who have rid the people of this curse, are greatly respected even now. The same people who remember them with respect, dismiss me, a poor Sadhu, as a mad man. But it is not their fault. It is the banias whose diabolic influence makes them think so. The banias keep this ancient art of black magic as a closely guarded secret and would not let it come to light. They have mistakenly tormented me which is why I know and write about them that they outwardly live a Spartan life in the world. They plan to teach a little bit of this sinful act to all others so that slowly and gradually they are pushed to the brink of disaster. All the while they will remain behind the curtain. When there will be very few people left in the world, these wretched banias will establish their rule. They will behave in an arbitrary manner and will let loose a reign of terror on the children of the world. They have already spread all kinds of prognoses saying that a time will come when there will be only one village with habitation within the radius of about 200 miles. And that a Kaliyuga will come when one hand will be eaten up by the other hand. If it is so, then one would prefer death. Because when there will be very few people left in the world, the whole world will be ruled by the banias. So if their sinful operation is not demolished they will destroy everybody. When the wisdom of the people is captivated, brothers, will fight among themselves and kill each other. These banias have inflicted indescribable torture on the divine souls. You stand witness to the fact that the banias have made the mute animals, the trees, the plants etc., the target of their diabolic ritual which is obvious enough to be seen by the people of the world. Those of you who have seen their ritual of diabolism, the Hindus, the Muslim, the Christians all of you should listen to me attentively and try to trace the source of their diabolic practice. Then you will also come to know about their web of diabolism. They have got a number of mute animals sacrificed in the name of the gods. They make people drive nails into the trees in the name of the witches, the ghosts, the evil spirits etc. They make people ill by their diabolic power and inject a fear in their mind that the evil spirits etc., are the cause of their illness. They also say that a particular tree or bush is the home of the ghost and in order to expel the evil spirit a nail should be driven into the tree. In this way they have made Sadhus and faqirs drive nails into the number of trees. The diabolic influence makes people think that they are capable of doing miracles and that they have controlled the ghosts etc. They also think that they have cured the people who were ill. In fact, when they drive nails into the trees to expel the evil spirits, the diabolic rite being performed against those people is stopped and so they get well. This strengthens the belief of the people that the evil spirits and the witches are the cause of their illness. Now about witches. They have created witches at different places in big and small villages. In small villages their number is ten to twelve. In big villages their number is fifty to hundred. In big cities their number is much more. The old men and women deserve our respect and veneration as has been described in ancient scriptures. But these helpless people are being maligned and branded as witches. People are instigated to kill these simple and pious men and women. Under the diabolic influence, these old women branded as hags and witches begin to feel that they are actually witches. Actually, people fall sick because of the effect of diabolism but they are made to believe that witches are the cause of their illness. The wisdom of the old women branded as witches is also held in captivity of diabolism and so they begin to feel that they are witches. These witches too have dreams both in sleep and also while they are awake. These dreams of eating, drinking and fighting are similar to those that occur to others in the world. In their dreams they find that they are witches eating human beings. Then they begin to believe that they are actually witches and hags. These days people are having hallucinations but earlier when there was no scourge of diabolism it was not so. When the people of the world fall ill as a result of diabolism, they blame witches for all their problems. The effect of diabolism of the banias makes people think that they have been hit by the witches. On the other hand the ‘witches’ think that it is they who have harmed the people. Now the whole world says that the witches are eating up even the high and mighty. In the places in which these witches have been created, the people, under the diabolic influence, begin to feel that the witches are not sparing even the high and mighty. The people of those places where the old women have been branded as the witches are rounding up the witches and setting them ablaze on the heaps of thorns. Many of them are beaten to death. The people of the world are set against the witches who are tortured to death at the hands of people. When these unscrupulous elements have ensured that a good number of old men and women have been done to death and the poor have been severely harassed and tortured, then they stop the sinful ritual against the world and its people. When the sick people get well, the people of that area begin to say that witches made them sick. This has created fear in other ‘witches’. Now these witches will not harm us. Since the advent of the Britishers, the menace of the witches has come down. Earlier when the Britishers had not come to this country, the menace was quite widespread. In the areas in which the stories of the witches have been floated, the banias’ modus operandi is to exercise diabolism resulting in death and destruction of a large number of people the blame of which is then passed on to the witches. But who are the women who have been branded as witches? These women belong to communities other than that of the banias. They are very old toothless women. All these old women who are mother, grandmother-both paternal and maternal, aunts (paternal and maternal) are branded as witches. Just think over it. Are they not the people who deserve reverence? They are getting killed at the hands of their own children after they have been branded as witches and hags. This is unfortunately. But the children of these women branded as witches have lost their wisdom. They believe that these women are actually witches. In fact there is no such thing as a witch or a hag. Nor do the ghosts exist. It is like giving somebody a bad name and then hangs him. The ancient scriptures and other texts are replete with references that Ravana harassed the poor and the weak and got them killed. The banias know their sinful act well. They know that by harassing the poor and the helpless they can ruin the whole world. That’s why they are committing this sin. They defame gat the old persons by declaring them to be the witches and then get them killed. Don’t you think it is a sin to harass the poor people? Like Ravana, the banias are wiping out the old generation after branding them witches. I have heard people talk about Kamaru Desh (Kamrup in Assam)-a land occultism and magic. I have not seen the place as yet. I could have written about it, if I had visited that place. But I am told that there too, the banias have corrupted the wisdom of the people and so they believe in miracles. The people of Kamaru Desh too must have been trapped in the diabolic web of the banias. Having lost their rational thinking, they must be ascribing human tragedy to the doings of gods and goddesses. They must also be thinking that they have acquired miraculous powers and that god and goddesses are under their control. Just see, how cleverly the whole thing has been planned by the banias. When the rulers will come to know about this diabolic practice and will further investigate, they will punish the people of Kamaru Desh for indulging in this nefarious practice. They will find that the people of Kamaru Desh are the practitioners of diabolism and it is they who have blame the witches for the ritual of animal sacrifice. But it is the banias who are holding the strings from behind the curtain. In order to see that they are not exposed, they have let the blame stick to people of other communities. They have spread this nefarious practice to different countries and places in order to keep their role a closely guarded secret. The world and its people are unaware of the reality. They think that it is the doing of the gods and goddesses or of the ogres and ogresses. The banias have tormented me by their diabolic practice which is why I have come to know about their secret designs, which I want to share with you. Has they not tormented me; I would never have known their secret. Because they have put up curtains of their diabolic web to keep their secret away from the gaze of the world so that it would not be possible for anyone to dismantle it. These banias are planning to ruin the whole world. When there will be very few people left in the world, they will come forward to establish their rule by their diabolic means. If you people do not do away with their diabolic operation, the people of the world will have to undergo untold suffering. The magicians, under their influence, believe that by their persistent devotion they have won over some deity and as a result they have acquired magical powers. They (the banias) make the magicians see and experience things which are inexplicable. In Kamaru Desh weird dreams are caused to the magicians while they are asleep and also while they are wide awake. They present different kinds of magic shows and make the audience believe in the existence of witches and hags. Among different superstitious beliefs, the one they propagate most is the effect of an evil eye. A well-built house tumbles down, a strong and healthy horse or camel or man or woman drops dead and they say it is all due to an evil eye. In fact men and animals die prematurely because of the effect of diabolism but they blame somebody’s evil eye. The person himself believes that he has an evil eye. God has given us eyes to see things with. Eyes are an invaluable gift given to us by God. Eyes do not cause any harm to anybody. They are neither spears, nor arrows nor bullets so as to hit others. God has created eyes so that we can see. Without eyes this body is worthless. Another superstition that they are spreading is the ill-effect of sneezing. It is they who cause harm to somebody by their diabolic power nut people are made to believe that the person had seen someone’s face in the morning and that’s why he had to undergo a lot of problems throughout the day. The person who has had an extremely bad day doesn’t know that the effect of black magic is behind it. No harm comes by seeing the face of one or the other. Because in everyone’s body and soul there is manifestation of God. The Almighty lives in every creature. Everyone has within himself the light of God. Do you think that during the Sat-yuga some other God was there and now a different God is there? God is the same in every era. During the Sat-yuga people had a lot of compassion and friendly feeling for each other. There was a harmonious relation among all human beings, animals and plants God lived in every soul. But ever since the banias have started this sinful practice, people have lost their wisdom and good sense. Innumerable superstitions have been spread in the world. It is not possible for me to write about each and every superstitious have been spread in the world. It is not possible for me to write about each and every superstition doing the round in the world. There is no end to these superstitions. They (the banias) are causing havoc in the world by getting the diabolic rite performed. One after another calamity or personal loss forces one to believe in these superstitions. Thus the incessant occurrence of natural and other disasters has made this land fertile for all kinds of superstitions to grow and prosper. The world can live in peace only when you succeed in dismantling their diabolic operation being secretly performed. If you can do it, the Sat-yuga with all its happiness and prosperity will return and will continue for all time to come. You have been frequently blaming the Kaliyuga for all your woes. In fact the Kaliyuga is nothing but an outcome of the diabolic practices of the banias. These practices are similar to those started by Ravana and Hiranyakashipu. The banias have given these practices the name of Kaliyuga. Ravana had destroyed the wisdom of the people by performing the diabolic rite against the world and its people. In the same way the banias have also destroyed the wisdom of the people of the world so that they can establish their supremacy over the whole world. It is the need of the hour that all of you should join hands to dismantle this sin of the Kaliyuga. If you succeed in your venture and would not allow this sinful practice to take place ever again, the Sat-yuga will manifest in the happiness and prosperity of the world. The practice of diabolism belongs to the banias community from the very beginning. It originated in India. The Hindus, the Muslims, and the banias were born and brought up in the same subcontinent. People all over the world say and believe that those who belong to the same country live in an atmosphere of amity and harmony and are well disposed to each other. They respect each other’s honour and would not expose it to be assailed by an outsider. But these wicked banias for their self-interest have been practicing diabolism since long. They keep unto themselves the core of this esoteric knowledge and teach others, the Hindus and the Muslims, some part of it slyly. They lured Ravana, Hiranyakashipu, Kansa, Karun and others into learning this black art assuring them that by practising it they could extend their empire to the whole world. But instead a total doom and destruction took over their entire race. All the while the banias were pretending to be friendly with them and would not let them get an inkling of their secret designs. Although, the banias are the compatriots of others living in India, they have ruined them by their diabolic practices. Now they are aiming at the people of other continents. They intend to trap the rulers of the foreign empires including the British, the Romans and others in their game plan. They will tempt you to extend your empire to the whole world as they did with Ravana, Hiranyakashipu and others. They will coax you to learn a little bit of their occult practices which according to them will help you in extending empire. You will then come under their spell as did Ravana and Hiranyakashipu who were ultimately doomed. In spite of all this the people of India are not aware of their sinister activities. Ruination is caused by their diabolic practice but people, misguided by some dubious texts are attributing their misfortunes to the will of God or the curse of some deities. Thus the banias have indulged in all kinds of trickery and deception and it is difficult to track them all. You must be cautious and vigilant. They have already ruined India and whatever little has been left of it will soon be destroyed by tempting you to come to rule India. All the continents, one after another, will likewise be ruined. A few people will then be left making it easier for the banias to monopolies the economic and political power all over the world. With this motive, they have been practising the mystic ritual of diabolism. They will be the rulers of all when only a few countries will be left in the world. Under the spell of diabolism, people in those countries will have lost their sense of judgment and as a result will be at each other’s throat. If you have any doubt, you can see what happens when the Hindus and the Muslims celebrate their respective religious festivities. Different communities observe different festivals. Festivals are the occasions when people should follow the true spirit of religion by offering food to the Sadhus and faqirs or to one another. But when the Muslims and the Hindus take out their respective processions, they start fighting and hurting each other. So much has their intellect been corrupted. The rulers of all the countries and continents should note that people in India are speaking ill of their own brothers. They are fighting and killing each other because their wisdom has been captivated. Ravana had in similar fashion, corrupted the intellect of the people who started fighting and killing one another. He had deceptively created confusion in the minds of Shiva, Ramachandra and other divinities. When Shanishchara acquainted them with the sinister design of Ravana, they did not allow themselves to be misled by Ravana’s trickery. That’s how you and I, the offspring of our ancestors, those of kings and the sages are still alive. Now the diabolic operation of the banias has been exposed. They will indulge in all indulge in all kinds of trickery and deceit. Earlier they had trapped the kings in their web of deceit. What exactly was it is best known to them. It is a fact that the kings had disfigured the idols in their temples and even demolished the temples. They swore in the name of the cow and the pig and promised not to repeat their sinful activity and only then these wicked banias could escape the extreme punishment. But soon after the death of those kings, they were back with their game. They finished their rule and doomed their children. They did it in India. They took back the money that they had given to those kings with greater vengeance by destroying their children. They have been creating condition leading to drastic reduction in the world’s population. Earlier many more people lived on Earth. When Ramchandraji attacked Lanka to finish off the diabolic operation of Ravana, he had an army of 18 Padma (18 million billion). Naturally, all those soldiers must have been young. The old men, women and children must have been left behind. So you can imagine how many people must have been on Earth in those days. Now just have a look at the census in India. The population has been reduced considerably. But nobody seems to be concerned about it. The banias are adopting various methods to kill the people in the world. Guru Nanak has also written in his book that these infidels are not trustworthy. They are not to be trusted even if they swear in the name of their faith or do anything to prove their truthfulness. If somebody puts his hand first in a pot filled with ghee (Clarified butter) and then in a pot full of sesame seeds, his hand will be covered with innumerable seeds all over. Even if the banias swear as many times to prove their sincerity, they should not be trusted. During the times of Lord Krishna and later the people of the world could not be ensnared completely by Kansa, Narasingh and Guru Nanak cautioned them against the evil motives of the demons. That’s how our ancestors and their offspring could be saved from a total disaster so meticulously planned by the aforesaid demon kings. If during my life time these banias up their sinful activity, they too will be saved. I treat them as my benefactors just as I treat you, the people of world. But they are wicked by nature and will trap you in their game plan because you are not aware of their secret activity. They have tormented me at the site of their secret operation just as Ravana had tormented Shanishchara. That’s how I have come to know about their diabolic ritual. If they had intended to give up this sinful practice, they need not have played trick with you. But they want to mislead you and later on when you are no more they will ruin your children. That’s why I am worried. I am not alone. I too have other members of my family and community around me. Our entire generation is threatened. This has motivated me to write this book. They have resorted to this sinful practice because their ultimate goal is to ruin the whole world and then grab its economic and political power. If you love your children you the Englishmen, the Hindus, the Muslims should not let them cast their spell over you. Otherwise, they will plunder the entire wealth of all the countries and ruin your children. If on their own they chose up their sinful practice during my life time, they will be saved and their diabolic operation will come to an end. I am cautioning you time and again against their evil designs so that you are motivated to dismantle their diabolic operation because that alone will guarantee a happy and secured future of our children.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 09:05:28 +0000

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