Like a lot of cats, Miss Blue loves boxes. Put a box down and you - TopicsExpress


Like a lot of cats, Miss Blue loves boxes. Put a box down and you will quickly find her sitting in it. Bring a box in the house and she will happily assist you with the unwrapping and opening of the box just so that she can get first crack at sitting in it. All open boxes in the house must be sat in and tried out for comfort. In addition to her box fetish, Miss Blue REALLY LOVES paper bags. She sits in them, she sleeps in them, she plays in them, she eats them, she shreds them to understand my drift. So, today there was a paper bag sitting kind of crumpled on the kitchen table with Miss Blue sitting on top of it evidently eating it. It was only after some observation that I made the discovery that she wasnt simply eating it, she was attempting to cut a hole in it by which to enter (the open end of the bag was crunched up and she must have figured she had found an unholy bag? ;) While it was entertaining watching her chew, spitting bits of paper bag here and there much like a mouse shredding up paper to line its nest, she was making quite a mess. So, I displaced her, opened up the bag and before I could even put it back on the table, Miss Blue hopped in. Such joy! Such happiness! A while later, after spending many minutes hiding in plain sight, Miss Blue emerged from her cubby hole and sauntered over to BC and smacked her up side the head. Like any self respecting chessie wanna be, BC took off after Miss Blue who raced up on to the table and dove headfirst into the bag. So fast was her dive that when she hit the backend (actually it was the bottom of the bag tilted up) the whole bag, cat and all, slid across the table and dropped down to the floor after first connecting with one of the chair seats on the way down. Miss Blue hopped out of the bag, looking quickly around like, Who did that? Alright, WHO did that? Finally sensing that no was going to fess up, she jumped back into the sack and peered out at us though a hole she had previously chewed through.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 01:51:48 +0000

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