Like all sciences, archaeology is split into two main groups: 1) - TopicsExpress


Like all sciences, archaeology is split into two main groups: 1) the orthodoxy, who focus on what they stand to gain from the scientific status quo (these are primarily academics) and 2) the scientists, who focus on archaeological discovery according to the dictates of the scientific method. The archaeological orthodoxy presently has humanity by the throat. It tells us, very lovingly, that civilization is young and that the history of humankind is the relatively recent epiphany in our species collective brain that one can grow crops instead of wandering around throwing spears. Oh yes, and along the way, a few kings had slaves who were very good at dragging megalithic blocks up ramps to build colossal tombs for egotistic royalty. This nonsense is actually taught and believed. Here are the persons in the archaeological orthodoxy most dangerous to science in the present day, in order of the power to inhibit, interrupt, and/or halt the performance of true science: Very Dangerous to Science 1. Anthony Harding - Professor of Archaeology. Former President of the European Association of Archaeologists (2003-2009). Chairman of the Archaeology Section of the British Academy. A ruthless champion of the scientific orthodoxy. 2. Claudia Valentino - Editor-in-Chief, Archaeology magazine. Has inherited, and continues to be responsible for, a seven-year Archaeology magazine moratorium on Bosnian archaeology. 3. Robert Schoch - Popular speaker and author on ancient civilizations. A reckless libeler and slanderer whose soft-spoken speaking style, along with his ill-gotten fame, allow him to continue touring ancient sites on other peoples money. Dangerous to Science 4. Jean-Paul Demoule - Professor of later European prehistory at Paris 1 University (Panthéon-Sorbonne) and President of INRAP. Demoule wrote a short, dismissive blurb on ancient pyramids in Bosnia for the Encyclopaedia Universalis (2007), stating, among other things: Bosnias professional archaeologists have all denounced this mystification, confirmed by a special delegation from the European Association of Archaeologists. In fact, Bosnias ancient history is perfectly understood and offers no other traces of this mysterious [ancient] civilization. [translated from the French by Ann Diamond] . . . Responding to my January 2013 email query, Demoule wrote to me on January 10, 2013 to confirm his position and to further state that Archaeological Park excavations to date have only found geological features and mining tunnels from the Middle Age. (Quoted by permission.) 5. Curtis Runnels - Professor of archaeology at Boston University and editor of the Journal of Field Archaeology. Runnels joined the fray early on in a 2006 National Geographic News article, stating: Mr. Osmangic (sic) offers no concrete physical evidence to support his claims, despite the fact that they are fantastic. . . . The [Visoko] area was in fact occupied by Upper Paleolithic hunter-gatherers with a Stone Age technology sufficient for building fires, tents, and simple hunting implements like bows and arrows. They were not pyramid builders. Runnels graciously replied on January 10, 2013 to my email query of the same date with the following reiteration: These natural hills have nothing to do with pyramids. There have been no new data to change this conclusion. (Quoted by permission.) Runnels is a full-fledged propitiate of the archaeological orthodoxy and therefore a continuing danger to science. 6. Joshua Foer - An established and extremely adept writer, co-founder of the Online Guide to the Worlds Wonders & Curiosities. Turned his acute and fertile mind to the destruction of Semir Osmanagichs archaeological endeavors in Bosnia in 2007. Will probably hop over to the side of science soon on this issue. 7. Colin Woodard - Wrote two articles attempting to turn the story of the discovery of ancient pyramids in Bosnia into the tale of a hoax. Here is Woodards description of Semir Osmanagich, whose PhD is in the history of civilizations and who has written ten books on pyramids around the world: Semir Osmanagic, a Bosnian-American metal-shop owner in Houston and self-described alternative historian . . . Woodard, a skilled juggler of the facts, is dangerous to science, though its doubtful that hell have the chutzpah to come out a third time against ancient pyramids in Bosnia, in light of the Foundations awesome and continuing record of archaeological discovery. 8. John Bohannon - A journalist whose style of reportage was plainly echoed by Colin Woodard (above). In his hit-piece, Mad about Pyramids, Bohannon describes Dr. Osmanagich as a Bosnian businessman who runs a construction company in Houston, Texas . . . Bohannon somehow left out Dr. Osmanagichs PhD in the history of civilizations and his 10 books on pyramids around the world. Bohannon is a skilled journalist, a TED Talk speaker, and a continuing danger to science. 9. Colette Dowell, aka the anonymous Irna - A silly but unfortunately prolific woman with emotional ties to persons bent on suppressing Bosnian archaeology and the true history of humankind. A continuing danger to science. 10. Mark Rose - Former Online Editorial Director for Archaeological Institute of America (which also publishes the unrepentantly orthodoxical Archaeology magazine), co-author of the 2010 Great Discoveries in Archaeology: The Past Revealed. A minor figure on the scene, but with continuing potential to do harm to science. 11. Garrett G. Fagan - An academic figure somewhat careless with his words, Fagan, professor of ancient history at Pennsylvania State University, with an interest in archaeological method, states in Pyramid in Bosnia – Huge Hoax or Colossal Find? National Geographic News, May 12, 2006 (re-quoted from the London Times): Its as if someone were given permission to bulldoze Stonehenge to find secret chambers of lost ancient wisdom underneath. Professor Fagan is a continuing danger to science. 12. Tera C. Pruitt - A tangential academic figure whom the scientific world may never hear from again. However, Pruitts academic background, her passion for fantasy, and her acute talent for the extreme misuse of facts in the steering of reality toward her personal agenda, all make her pretentious dismissal of ancient pyramids in Bosnia, and her unctuous insinuations of hoax, more of a bedrock for future calumny than a one-off. She begins her article with the standard biographical omissions used like a rubber-stamp by the archaeological orthodoxy: In 2005, a businessman and alternative historian named Semir Osmanagić . . . And off she goes. A continuing danger to science. 13. Robert Steven Bianchi - Author, editor, documentary consultant, and contributing editor to Archaeology magazine. Sycophant to the archaeological orthodoxy and therefore a continuing danger to science. 14. Alun Salt - Archaeoastronomer associated with Leicester University. No significant writings to date, beyond his original hit-pieces, Bosnian Pyramids? and The Bosnian Pyramid Threatens to Spread. Still a danger to science because of his profession and his continuing association with Leicester University, which may make people believe that he has something worth listening to say on the subject of Bosnian pyramids. No Longer Dangerous to Science 15. Vassil Nikolov - One of the original signers of the Declaration against the Bosnian pyramids project. Now discredited because of charges of criminal corruption. 16. Vuk Bačanović - One of the early detractors of the Bosnian pyramids hypothesis, this then-22-year-old natives ad hominem enthusiasms (attacks on the characters of both Dr. Osmanagich and Dr. Nabil Swelim) were picked up and amplified by other Bosnian pyramids detractors who had little other material to work with. However, although Bačanović has written at least one other article since then, he has not been published on the subject of archaeology since his original February 8, 2008 outburst in the Sarajevo news magazine Dani. 17. Zahi Hawass - Former Minister of Egyptian Antiquities, now discredited and on the run for allegedly stealing billions of dollars worth of Egyptian antiquities and possibly other crimes. Of the self-adulating, criminally charged, and eventually routed ex-Minister of Egyptian Antiquities, Zahi Hawass, Semir Osmanagich writes: With revolution in Egypt it wasnt possible to hide 1.600 documents that demonstrate that Dr. Zahi Hawass stole precious artifacts, falsified historical findings (making them appear younger than they really are, because they didnt fit into official history), and fired archeologists, Egyptologists, guides and state officials, who spoke loudly about corruption of his office. Although Zahi Hawass, like Vassil Nikolov above, will never be able to recover whatever scientific credibility he might once have had, he is still quoted by the archaeological orthodoxy as an authority on the absence of pyramids in Bosnia. This is actually quite humorous, as it shows clearly the full-on insanity of the archaeological orthodoxy, which normally manages to exhibit a modicum, more than a modicum, of rationality. anamericaninbosnia.blogspot/2013/03/the-mysterious-anti-scientific-agenda_455.html
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 19:31:25 +0000

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