Like an old song says “with a little help from my - TopicsExpress


Like an old song says “with a little help from my ‘friends’” I was finally able to get a little decent sleep last night, well, more like yesterday evening, I was asleep by 8pm, LOL! Unfortunately I woke from my good sleep with a startle, WIDE awake, at 1am with a realization and a solid correlation about every one of those ‘less-than-supportive’ emails and messages I had received earlier this week: every single one of those, while they may not be fully happy with their lives themselves, leave the comfort of their safe residences and partners arms every morning, jump in their vehicles, and go to a job (or collect their government provided benefits). They utilize their insurance (or again government provided benefits) to get medical attention when they need it. They come home to meals, are able to cook pretty much what they want, when they want, or are able to go to the fridge in the middle of the night when they wake up and want a late night snack. They have no problem grabbing their cell phone or 24/7 access to the internet to reach out to other people to complain about their lives and garner support when “life” gets to be too much for them, and appear to have no problem throwing a party or dropping a hundred bucks for ONE event, an evening at the bar, or on an auction item, only to drive back home to that safe residence and the arms and support of their partner(s) again. Let’s suppose, for just one moment, that we systematically remove all those things that make them safe, provide self-esteem, assurance, the fabric of being, and their confidence. After years of supporting other people and their community, they watch helplessly as their companion slides deep into crystal meth and lose their secure jobs and savings while they watch even more helplessly as that constant security whithers into a shell of a person and slides safely from their arms into the afterlife, with very little support from their “friends”, “family”, and “community” that preaches they are all about helping others. They have to sell that remaining vehicle that gets them around for pennies on the dollar just to survive, only to ultimately lose their 24/7 line of communications with the outside world to get support, secure another job, to pay their bills, readily get assistance, or just call to check in on and support their ailing senior parents pretty much confined to bed or in the hospital. Let’s toss in, not one, but four different medical conditions that impair their daily ability to think clearly, drop them from a robust and muscular 175 to a scrawny 118, then have ‘government aid’ tell them that they aren’t eligible for assistance until they are closer to dead, all the while they go through every minute of every day with a constant fear of falling, with no ability to reach out to someone for help, only to be ultimately be found dead in their place, cold and alone. Let’s remove that safe, secure, residence, their storage with 35 years of memories, and their utilities because there’s flat out nothing left to pay them with, leave them without transportation to even look for a job or hold up in, and add slowly losing their senior animal companions, their primary source of any solace, one by one. Now tell me that I “need to grow a set”, I “made my own bed, now sleep in it”, “life is what you make it”, or what a “low-life” I am because I try to use the tools at hand to reach out to those who might have $5 to spare to help me get a leg up and become an active and productive member of society again, not to mention, STILL trying to help others who may be in similar positions as well. Ok, enough of a rant! I hope I gave some of you something to think about before you slam another person or look down your nose at that person looking for a hand-out on the street, for, before the ‘Grace of whatever you might believe in, even if it’s only you, that person EASILY *COULD BE* YOU’. Now that I have this off my chest, heart, and mind perhaps I can get back to being pro-active, productive, and actually “save my own butt”! MAKE it a great day! Be Blessed, Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous; And with Very Heartfelt and Grateful Thanks for those who take the time to share POSITIVE Affirmations of Love and Support! Mike, Mr. Mouse, Lila Mae, and Angels Watching over me, Boy Ron and Daisey Dukes
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 17:09:41 +0000

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