Like and Ill post on ur wall If you ask me out for a movie: [] - TopicsExpress


Like and Ill post on ur wall If you ask me out for a movie: [] Accept! []See how lorh []REJECT!! []Why suddenly so good to me ah? [] You pay ah! Okay on! If I saw you outside: []Shout HELLOOO!! []Wave []Walk past you,wait for you to notice me. []Run to you&hug you! []Heck care. If you ask me for my number: [] Give it to you. [] Nah. [] I forgotten my number.: × [] You already have it. What do I want from you: [] Nothing []Text me! [] Hangout! [] Talkmore! [] Dont be a stranger whenever you see me. Truth is: [] I love you []I like you []I dont know you []You re pretty /handsome []Youre cute []Youre friendly []Youre super awesome []Youre a spammer We are: []In a relationship []Friends []Classmates /Schoolmate []Good friend []Best friend []Brother/Sister []Junior and Senior []Stranger []Acquaintance Rate: []10%-20% []20%-30% []30%-40% []40%-50% []50%-60% []60%-70% []70%-80% []80%-90% []90%-100% []DAMN. You broke my scale. []YOU ARE BEYOND EARTH If you stayed at my house for the night: []Give you half bed []Make you sleep on the floor []I wouldnt ask you to []Make you sleep in another room []Let you have the bed and Ill sleep on the floor []Ummm you wouldnt… []Make you sleep outside []Steal your valuable in your sleep (; []Change every names on your contact list If I tattooed your name, it will be on: []My wrist []My neck []My back []My leg []My mind []None You are my: []Facebook Friend []Friend []Best friend ^^ []Brother/Sister [r]Boyfriend/Girlfriend []EX []Dont know, you tell me?>< Do I love you? []Yes♥♥♥ []Maybe? []No,sorry._. []Yes,as a friend []I dont know? >< Would I hug you: []Yes♥♥♥ []Maybe? []No? []Hug you as a friend []I dont know? >< If you want,than okay lo []Impossible If you smiled at me I would: []Smile back [: []S.T.A.R.E []Ask what []What smile smile?! []Give you WTF face []Just look away []Take parang and chase you If were stuck in a room: []I will blame you!:( []Ignore you forever >: []Talk to you~
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 08:59:09 +0000

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