Like any good parent, GOD wants HIS children to succeed. But to - TopicsExpress


Like any good parent, GOD wants HIS children to succeed. But to succeed in life, we must periodically ask ourselves two questions: (1) Am I committed to personal growth? ‘Wisdom is supreme; therefore let us get wisdom. Though it cost all we have, let us get understanding.’ Let us keep on reading, learning and asking questions. A Chinese proverb says, ‘He who asks is a fool for five minutes; he who doesn’t ask remains a fool forever.’ Some of us are like the little girl who thought she’d exhausted the subject of mathematics once she learned her twelve–times tables. When her grandfather asked with a twinkle, ‘What’s 13 times 13?’ she scoffed, ‘Don’t be silly, Grandpa, there’s no such thing!’ Our hunger for wisdom and knowledge determines our future. In order to keep giving out, we must keep taking in. (2) Am I enjoying what I do? We’ll never fulfil our destiny doing something we despise. Passion lies at the core of true success and fulfilment; it’s the spark for our fuse. It energises us when those around us grow tired. It helps us come up with answers when others cease to have creative ideas and strengthens us when they drop out. It gives us courage to take risks while others crave security. When we lose our passion, two things happen: first, we fail to pursue excellence; second, we jeopardise our integrity, because we’re tempted to take shortcuts and compromise by settling for less than GOD intended. Clues to our destiny are found in those things that generate passion in us. When we find ourselves working at what we love, we’re being clued in to GODS purposes for us. AMEN
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 04:39:22 +0000

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