Like it or not, Facebook is a means to an end, and that end being - TopicsExpress


Like it or not, Facebook is a means to an end, and that end being to eliminate the Obama administration from the annals of history. I am asking every single member of this website who has a profile on Facebook to join both a group and a page we have started on Facebook, which supports retired Major General Paul E Vallely, U.S. Army (Retired) As I see it, Paul is the only hope this country has of getting our country back, but he needs ALL of our help to do it. Joining the group and the Page is just the first step. The most important second step is to invite EVERY ONE of your friends who care about the future of America and freedom. On the GROUP, there is a small rectangle on the upper right side of the group that says +Add People to Group To add your friends to the group you simply begin typing their names into that box. When their profile appears, click Enter. Alternatively, you can copy and paste their e-mail addresses (one by one) into the rectangle and send them an invitation rather than just adding them to the group. To join the group, click on the link below, then login to your Facebook account. Next, look for the +Join group link and click on it: https://facebook/groups/MGPaulVallelySupporters/ On the Page, in the upper right hand corner of the Page, you will see a similar option, but it is easier to use than on the group. Your friends names will appear in that box. All you will need to do once you have Liked the page is to TAKE THE TIME to use that feature and +Invite ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS to Like the page. Both of these features can be time-consuming to do, but for the sake of freedom, it is a necessity. If you care about the future of our nation, please join both the group and the page and invite every freedom-loving American you know to support the Major General. To join the Page click on the link below while logged-in to your Facebook account and look for the Like banner at the top of the page and click on it: https://facebook/PatriotsStandingWithMajorGeneralPaulVallely From Major General Vallely: To begin the process of reclaiming America, we are establishing the ‘American Leadership Council’. The idea is to identify twelve people who hold America’s interests first, not their own. These must be people from proven leadership positions, not ‘talking heads’ and ‘community organizers’. These must be people who have led large businesses and/or held military positions of consequence. These must be people who hold loyalty, fealty, and love for this country first, and most of all, they must be trustworthy. See more here: The Americans Project: tinyurl/k8gm9px
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 06:45:30 +0000

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