Like many, my early life was less than ideal. I have spent my - TopicsExpress


Like many, my early life was less than ideal. I have spent my life trying to find a way to have the most happy moments in my life possible. When things have been shit trying to get to the best possible place with the least amount of damage. I have always attempted to appreciate and celebrate what I have, suck the marrow out of life, carpe diem etc, etc, etc. And tried to help others to as well. I have always felt lucky and grateful and appreciated what I have. All very momento mori. No matter how bad it has gotten at times. My 16 year old calls me The Annoying Optomist. I always feel as though I could not appeciate what I have more and I do not need other peoples misfortune or tragedy to highlight the treasures I have. Friends, family, kids, work, health. Yet life marches on. And as the reality of what life actually is reveals it self occasionally something happens to remind you, yet again, that life turns on the head of a pin and can change for good or bad any time. We will all have good times, bad times, happy times, sad times, fat times, thin times, sick times, well times, rich times, poor times, up times, down times, hard times, easy times, slow times, fast times, full times, empty times and full times. And times we cant remember. The only thing we dont know is in what order they will come. But the deepest levels of appreciate of life you can only feel by living it. The further through life you get the more gratitude you feel. For what you have and what life is. Death is the sound of distant thunder at a picnic ~ WH Auden Have a lovely day. Dev x
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 22:49:00 +0000

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