Like many people, I was surprised to hear that Tom Laughren would - TopicsExpress


Like many people, I was surprised to hear that Tom Laughren would not be running for a third term as mayor of Timmins, even though he had often told me that he only planned on staying for two terms. For those on Facebook and elsewhere heralding this as a “time of change” and that it will be great for the City of Timmins to get rid of the “old boys club”…be careful what you wish for! Men like Tom Laughren get re-elected or run unopposed for a reason…because they are trusted by taxpayers not to be reckless and taking unnecessary risks that come with inexperience. It is easy to be the “rebel” councillor and taking an opposing view of things when you know before a vote is held what the end result will be…it allows you to rant against things you actually agree with to position yourself as single-minded and independent of the “old boys club”. This approach got one Mayor elected several years ago and might get another elected this year. All that being said, change is good…if it is good change. Remember that many decisions made by any Council are essentially out of their hands. Most of what is in a budget on any given year has to be included no matter what and that cutting this or that service might please one taxpayer but will infuriate another. It is also important to remember that there is a cost to providing “quality of life” to all citizens and it is not all about fixing potholes and the “spring clean-up”. It is also important to remember that who you vote for in a provincial election has a big impact on your municipality…Timmins made its decision several weeks ago and elected someone who represents the 3rd party when there is a majority government in place. Your new Mayor and Council will have to deal with the very decision YOU made provincially and, in many cases, will have one hand tied behind their backs from the outset. I have the utmost respect for individuals that run for public office, especially young people who want to make a difference and have an impact on their community! Also, anyone willing to put their current careers on hold to serve as your Mayor should be commended, especially when the Mayor makes less money than any directors that ultimately answer to him, deserves respect! All I’m saying is that change is good Timmins, just choose your change wisely!
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 13:01:57 +0000

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