Like most opinions on facebook I am sure this opinion will get a - TopicsExpress


Like most opinions on facebook I am sure this opinion will get a lot of shit.. but I really dont care!!! This is my opinion as well as a lot of others I look up to and admire in this sport! I actually had this discussion with someone that I think of as a mentor and someone I respect to the fullest extent! This is an extreme sport that can require extreme measures!!! Does anyone even know what this takes anymore? I personally know several athletes that do! And I know even more athletes that think they do but really have no idea! I include myself in the second because I know deep down I have not yet pushed myself to my full potential. .. yet!!! I say yet because each contest prep I amaze myself at how far I can actually push my body and continue to make improvements show after show! I refuse to ever set foot on stage looking exactly the same as a previous showing. This is not the goal in this sport! No matter how you look at it, getting shredded comes to down to starving the body to some extent This could not be more true! And I will not apologize for this... If you are not willing to suffer to the fullest extent.. you do not belong in this sport! Someone has to say it!! I will!!! I love that there are so many competitors coming into shows. Dont get me wrong. I love this sport and support everyone who is a part of it! But I feel as if these people who are just doing this for fun generally turn out to be the ones bad mouthing it in the long run because they placed poorly and realized they shouldnt have gotten on stage.. especially when you are getting on stage next to athletes that have suffered day in and day out for months to get into the kind of conditioning it takes to win shows! Then they turn around and bash on these competitors, looking for any and all excuses as to why they won... Well.. as previously stated... it takes extreme measures! And if you arent willing to go to the deepest, darkest parts of your mind to get there.... you wont! And a bad placing is what you will get from it!!! And just a side note... If you come to me and tell me youre feeling absolutely wondeful 5 days out. .. Im probably going to tell you exactly why... And you wont like my answer! #truth #gettingshreddedisnoteasy #dontlikemyopinion #hopeyouenjoylastplace
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 17:06:34 +0000

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