Like my beautiful fiancé Rachel Lawson said the other day; its - TopicsExpress


Like my beautiful fiancé Rachel Lawson said the other day; its made how soooooo much can change in just 13 months. I went from girl to girl, never really settled, always settling for 90% happiness, making do with whatever girl was in my life at the time, being a bit of a player, forcing myself to believe I was happy but deep down knowing I wasnt...... Then one day something inside me switched, I took a chance and left EVERYTHING behind me, started fresh (not many people would have the bottle to do that, some may say; they made there bed so they had to lay in it so to speak) Then I met you.........thats when I become a believer of love at first sight. The moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you was the one for me But then you wasnt ready for what I wanted and at first we didnt work and I wasnt sure we would make it but something inside me kept me keep coming back. Some might say I was a mug but I knew there was something special between us, it just took a bit of time for you to realise Now nearly 14 months on, we are engaged, have a place together, booking our first holiday together and also have plans to start a family in the very near future Even after all the bad things we have been through, I can officially say we have come out the other side stronger than any couple I know and we have a bond and a love that I believe will last a life time I really do love you with every part of me and the love I feel for you is only growing. Your the best thing thats ever happened to me. Youve made me grow up in so many ways and showed me true love and what its like to be head over heals for someone. You truly are my better half and your gonna make an amazing mum and soon to be wife (just gotta teach you how to cook lol) Anyways bottom line is; I wouldnt change you for the world and your perfect in every possible way xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 09:49:04 +0000

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