Like or not,true or not,its my poignant and well founded - TopicsExpress


Like or not,true or not,its my poignant and well founded opinion,albeit subject to some reversals here and there . My intellectual powers have been on a long hybernation ,this gifted me with a magnified view of great proportions into the rather soure tasting fraternities and acts of kindness and most senseless of all; the noble altruism and magnamity preached by the very people who will most gratuitously highlight your self righteous attempts when you fail.ha ha,take a seat here with me friends,if its power u seek,success or just a win in this war of life,then u should be armed to the teeth against whome or what???it is said that men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit,because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure u know its true,how many times are u reaid a good,n how many times r u screamed at wen u make a mistake,true,Michael Jackson the guiness book of record holder for most philantropy by a celebrity was surely an altruist,the most silly of the lot,ended up scorned,abused and reduced to a state of nothingness,everyone forgot his goods,his love and giving,humans forget easily,personally my own insignificant self can point to many a life I have put where it is,today not a simple acknowledgment lol not even a hello or hi is deemed worthy of my sacrifice,the world is rife with such,it is duplicated all over as if by some genetic impant from birth,a baby has to be taught how to say thank you,oh but the insults and tantrums no one knows where they come have a good enemy,choose a friend,he knows where best to strike,friends naturally are moved to envy,voluntarily and involuntarily,and so if u pick someone from the dirt and dust him off,eventually by virtue of u being friends ,envy starts to creep in with the six new cars u changed,this is no different with ur personal friends,close friends,school mates etc peers think u should progress at a steady uniform rate,so when u begin to take giant strides in leaps n bounds,discontent creeps in, the greatest and rather sad example is of the mid ninth century ruler of the byzantine empire,michael (III),who was murdered by his most trusted friend whom he had taken from the horse stables,educated and fed,he tookover the throne and paraded the streets with the head of 1807,the conspiracy to topple napoleon was led by;talleyrand and fouche,napoleons own foreign minister and secret police chief resp.thus the greatest successes,the real strategists and power players of this this war have devised a simple theory; never trust friends entirely,learn how to use a speech,abraham lincoln referred to the southeners(his opponents in the civil war)as fellow human beings,an old woman scolded him for not calling them irreconcilable enemies who should be destroyed,why madam he relied,do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?? In A.D 59 general chao kuang-yin became emperor sung,this was during a time when no emperor could last on the throne for any few years ,this great mind secured his throne by enriching his generals who were friends and sent them far off,and made friends with the defeated rebells each time,these rebells became his most ardent followers later on,and the emperor bacame famous for a psychological ploy called the poisoned wine,see a man is most greatful wen spared at the guillotine,lyndon b.johnson applied this theory in his ascendancy to the preseidency from 27 year old congress man michael (III),the fall of our kwame nkrumah,the capture,torture, execution,mutilation and eating up of ex president doe of liberia in the late 80s and ascendancy of taylor(Does friend,ally,economist turned rebel) to the throne ,the internal coup and power struggle acheamong faced that led to the smc (II) and ultimately the UNIGOV,the demise of abacha etc were all engineered by their ppeole they had roped in close to them,and so they were proverbially the good enemy I mentioned ,because they knew their secretes.does it make sense then to say that you pick a bee from kindness and get taught the limitations of kindness?? For lack of time and space I will continue with my tirade shortly. Miles Apobona Adongo (c) 2014.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 10:45:33 +0000

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