Like shooting fish in a barrel. Give yourself 13 minutes to get - TopicsExpress


Like shooting fish in a barrel. Give yourself 13 minutes to get the answers validated that you already knew existed. Here is Americas achilles heel, introducing William Walters, Grand Dragon of the great state of Pennsylvania aka every low information Republican voter...aka people you meet on a daily basis who hate Obama because they are supposed too because their friends do. These are the same people who cant tell you how Obama actually made their life worse but they can very confidently tell you he is a dictator or tyrant. This unfortunately is the attitude of so many that have the ability to cast a vote in elections, this is why we see a U.S President systematically denied any positive progress for a struggling nation. When we have crossed into the reality of allowing human kinds greatest civilization to fall into the abyss because a Man elected to the very temporary position of President is held hostage by a William Walters Congress, then we deserve to be on life support as a Democracy. I think what frustrates Americans the most about the blatant obstruction of this President who happens to be black, is the fact so many work so hard to find very pathetic reasons to be against him. I would respect these people more if the had the balls just to admit they hate him because he is black. Its OK to be racist, I mean its a free country, but at least own it then we can just move on without watching your anguish at how to hide your racism and still appear to just be a patriot. Cowards really are the first to cry race card and say its not about his color, they prove they are gutless when they hide behind these fake outrages, it is hard to watch sometimes, seriously. You know the one example..... a person living in poverty who votes Republican is just worried if the budget is balanced. Makes sense...eye roll...I know everyone of you know a person like this who uses the same script to hide their true feelings because deep down inside they know its wrong and they are afraid to just say how they feel because they cant back it up. Even this openly racist KKK member doesnt have the guts to own his hate, whats the world coming to when even White supremacists are afraid to tell the truth about why they hate Americas black people and President Barrack Obama.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 18:35:53 +0000

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