Like some other fine trainers and fitness folk have said: move - TopicsExpress


Like some other fine trainers and fitness folk have said: move your body, stay consistent and cut back on eating garbage. Simple theory but hard for people to dig in and do. Of course there can be other factors, but in the end you just have to dig deep and make a choice. The ones with the strong minds will overcome and make the changes they need. If you are not seeing results, something is wrong. Cut something out, change something up; and if needed, see your doctor. Just remember even a professional can be wrong with their diagnosis. I dont buy it one bit when people dont try, then they say they are happy with their body...I believe you can be content with it, but lets be honest with yourself. Its just like anything else; you will prioritize what is important and make excuses. A dude I know has not worked out in 2 or 3 months, but he has managed to lose nearly 40 lbs. This is all from what he has changed in his eating patterns. Its silly how something like food can taste so good for seconds, but have control over you for years. Im a victim myself, but the difference is I know when to flip the switch, man up and make the change. Thats called discipline and trying to have a better sense of self-worth. Do it for yourself, then doing it for your family and or loved ones will also fall in to place. I work with a few youth, and often it seems as some parents or family members struggle to physically hold or positively engage with their creation (child). This is what you made, it loves you and looks at you for guidance. You are their world. Do your best, put in the hard work, then change content to being happy with your body. I saw an amazing thing the other day. A child that attends one of my fitness classes was leaving. He saw a teacher who works at the school he attends coming into the gym to train. This kid went speechless, ran up to the dude, and gave him a big hug. This kid has a connection. Although it may seem small, it has a greater effect in the larger scale of things.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 06:38:24 +0000

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