#Lilcub #TBT PLAYING FOR KEEPS How do you know when - TopicsExpress


#Lilcub #TBT PLAYING FOR KEEPS How do you know when someone likes you? You know when they dont flirt with ya in a way that makes ya think theyre tryna get in your pants, but compliments ya and makes ya smile all the time with what they say. When their day is brighter cause theyve just brightened yours just by saying hello. When they become protective and wanna make sure your happy ahem.. Hey boys and gals, some of youse may know me as the Hulk (glares at someone) and others may know me as Keri Hilson lol. Well the names Kaylana, Lana for short :) And Im here today thanks to youse as well as my very persistent bro Tavita aka Lil Cub. Youse may know part of my story through him but as the saying goes there are 2 sides to every story and then theres the truth lol. So try not to hurt me..much while I try filling in the blanks. In order to tell youse me and Samuels love story Im gonna have to take youse back in time. It was back in high school, I was the only Afakasi who spent her lunch times in the library working on assignments and reading books. Though my vocab wasnt fancy and all that jazz I was defs a hopeless romantic. Books were my only escape. Like every other outsider theres always that one group of guys whod catch your eye. It didnt matter if you didnt exist in their world. Just simply having them around, even if it was from a far was all that mattered. Now I know youse are thinking that this isnt the Hulk youse know lol. Well its gotta come from somewhere right? See the thing was in that particular group of guys there was one who had caught my attention. And I couldnt help but admire him from a far through the Library window. The way hed run his hand through his soft luscious hair, and that carefree laugh, followed by the secret dimple creepin its way onto his cheek. Such little things visible to the naked eye makes it worth all the while lol. Not paying attention to the way my jaw casually hung, eyes glued to the only good looking thing on the other side of this window, I watched in awe, casually just dreaming away until someone decided to purposely bump into my table making me jump out of my chair and topple over. Hearing that witches cackle my body tensed realising who that annoyingly ugly laugh belonged too. I didnt have to look up to know who it was.. Get out of my way! She hissed towering over me. I could hear whispers coming from behind her, her crew. Giiirl looks like shes been checking out your man nodding towards the window I was staring out only moments ago. Grudgingly trying to pick up my assignments that had been scattered on the floor she decided to stomp on my hand making me wince. But I tried not to let her see the pain she was causing. Smirking at me she closed the distance between us and whispered Youre no match for me..he doesnt even know you exist putting more pressure on my hand before one of the librarians called out. YOURE EITHER IN HERE STUDYING OR YOURE OUT THE DOOR! Pulling back Lauina called out Sorry Miss. We were just leaving giving me one of her fake smiles before walking out the door, one of her girls deciding thats her cue to walk all over my assignments. Not without ripping one on her way out..I didnt realise at the time but my body was shaking. I was so mad and I could just feel the adrenaline pumping. I needed to get out of here and stat. Shoving whats left of my assignment in my backpack I slung one strap over my shoulder and power walked to the exit. As soon as I was out I let my feet take over, leading me straight to the field where He was once standing, but now Lauina and her crew occupied.. Ok Im full digressing so let me sum up my high school life. Everywhere I looked, even without realizing it, Tavita was there. Shlaaaartbagz thought I was staring at him. If I was in the library studying on my free period that nikka was in there and bang! Lauina would get the wrong idea thinking I was those quiet book nerds yet secretly trying to cut her grass. Pffffft! Nikka please! Homie dont play like that lol! Yes Ill admit I had a crush on Tavita but hellurrr.. So did every white, black, yellow and brown skin girl at school. Its like a common ritual throughout every generation where theres that one guy at school you crush on so badly he becomes the reason you wake up so early and want to attend school every day, LMAO! Dont lie and say youse have never done the same thing, even if he was yours only in your head lol.. Well that little infatuation lasted 6 months. The torture I got from Lauina lasted til the end of Year 12. Gosh I hated that biiiiiish. Every time I was tempted to retaliate I always recalled my Dads voice in my head. Kaylana, study hard and dont let temptation take over you. Me and your mum are very proud of you daughter. Well I take his temptation comment includes dont get into punch ups so I would hold back all my anger and cop her ish sweet on the chin. If only she knew every time I used my dads punching bag he had hanging on the garage ceiling I was picturing her fugly face every night Lmao.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 22:18:29 +0000

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