Lilly the cow at the tax payer purchased and funded Wagner Farm - - TopicsExpress


Lilly the cow at the tax payer purchased and funded Wagner Farm - what is the actual situation with her udder that has been inflamed for about a week now? A questioning public wants to know, and a large, ongoing issue is what Lilly is subjected to as part of Wagner Farms milking program, especially as staff has noted to the public that a Wagner Farm goal is to keep cows pregnant and milking. Lilly has been noted in a Wagner Farm blog post* as Lilly is one of those All-Star girls like Gibson that is a great milker. To note - Gibson, another cow who has made an appearance at Wagner Farm, was the source of numerous complaints made by the public who witnessed her bellowing and kicking at her udder in the Wagner Farm pasture, her udder not only engorged but dragging towards the ground from all the pregnancies and milking she had been forced to endure. Response by staff as to why Gibson had yet to be milked, even though it was well into the morning? They said they were busy getting ready for a public event. Too busy to make their animals a priority, apparently. Perhaps a complaining public brought to their attention that a bellowing cow kicking at her distended udder didnt support the sham of a bucolic image that Wagner Farm seems to work to present to the public. And, where is Gibson now?? According to one of Wagner Farms personnel who has been publicized by the Glenview Park District as being at the management level and has noted themselves as so, the condition of Lillys udder is the same. When asked if its an injury and/or illness, the answer was a shrug. When asked whats being done, the answer was - what the doctor is saying to do. When asked what that is, there was no answer other than another shrug and this management level employee going on to say that they just do the work (in other words, doesnt ask questions?). The supposedly privately owned Lilly became public business once she was brought to a facility funded by the tax payers and is now an issue of transparency in government. Tax payers should not have to repeatedly ask the same question because there are tax payer funded employees who apparently either dont feel obligated to provide answers or dont have answers, or provide answers that consist of shrugs and several word sentences that dont provide any concise information. And, employees salaried by the tax payers (especially those who have noted themselves to be at management level) need to be held responsible in having information ready for the public. If they dont have every answer off-hand, then they are responsible for promptly following through and getting answers. And, these answers should not be consisting of shrugs and saying that they just do the work. Is a management level employee(s) of the Glenview Park District even suggesting in any manner that they might have been instructed by even higher management to just do the work and not ask questions, or respond in detail to a inquiring public who has the right to know what their government facilities are doing? Is there something about Lillys condition that is specifically not being conveyed? If they dont have answers to questions made by the public about their facility and animals, then part of their work needs to start including having these answers at hand and in detail, and providing these answers to a questioning public - and doing so promptly, accurately, and politely. Anything otherwise is both unbefitting and unacceptable from personnel whose salaries and place of work are funded by the tax payers. It is no wonder that Glenviews public reputation is increasingly being sullied by public employees themselves, when these public employees arent reasonably responsive to the public and when repeated overtures of cooperative efforts and humane programming solutions offered by a non-profit organization such as Wagner Farm Rescue Fund are consistently rejected. Wagner Farm and the Glenview Park District can be reached at: Glenview Park Districts online and phone number 847-657-3215 and Wagner Farm 847-657-1506 james-mcwilliams/?s=wagner+farm&x=8&y=16 * wagnerfeed.blogspot/2011/11/good-bye-lilly.html
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 22:13:16 +0000

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