Linda’s service Lincolnshire County Council Registration and - TopicsExpress


Linda’s service Lincolnshire County Council Registration and Celebratory Service Ceremony of Thanksgiving and Celebration In memory of: Linda Anne MEDLEY Arranged by: Andrew Medley and Family Day and Date: Thursday 17th October 2013 Venue: Lincoln Crematorium Time: 12:30 am Pall Bearers: Paul, Steven, Rebekah, Dawn,James and Lee Processional Music ‘Love Can Build a Bridge’ by Westlife Please be seated. Introduction Dont grieve for me for now Im free Im following the path God laid for me. I took His hand when I heard Him call; I turned my back and left it all. I could not stay another day, To laugh, to love, to work or play. Tasks left undone must stay that way; I found that place at the close of day. If my parting has left a void, Then fill it with remembered joy. A friendship shared a laugh, a kiss; Oh yes, these things, I too will miss. Be not burdened with times of sorrow I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow. My lifes been full, I savoured much; Good friends, good times, a loved ones touch. Perhaps my time seems all to brief; Dont lengthen it now with undue grief. Lift up your heart and share with me, God wanted me now, He set me free. * Good afternoon and welcome to you all Love doesn’t end with dying, or leave with the last breath. For someone you have loved dearly, love goes on forever. So let us hold onto those thoughts as we gather here to celebrate, to remember and to pay tribute to Linda Anne Medley, who was born on the 6th August 1970, and who tragically passed away at the very young age of forty-three on 27thth September, at Queen’s Medical in Nottingham with Andrew and her family at her side having only just been diagnosed in the last couple of weeks with cancer. A lifetime which was much shorter than we would expect or certainly wish for, but during which, was packed full of love, laughter, spontaneity and through which, she achieved many things, the greatest, without a doubt, being the marriage to her life long soul mate and rock throughout their marriage, Andrew, and their two sons, Lee and James. And it’s on their behalf today, that I’d like to thank you for coming and supporting them, at what for them is a very difficult, very sad and hugely emotional time. When a person dear to us dies we need time to come to terms with and adjust to, life without them. A ceremony such as this can be the first step in the stages that dealing with the loss of a loved one takes us through. You’ll all have your own different memories of Linda and the role she played in each of your lives. This ceremony will allow you to say farewell to her. It will give you time to remember her and to share all those memories with one another, thus acknowledging the place she held in your hearts and in your lives. Now I would just like to take a few moments to explain the ceremony. Linda was a lady who would light up the room when she walked in and who through the hardships and setbacks that she has come up against has been a very courageous and determined lady, so today we are not here to mourn Linda’s passing, but like I’ve already said to commemorate and pay tribute to her life and to give thanks for what she brought into yours. She didn’t practice any particular faith so there will be no religious meaning to the ceremony today, however we shall hold a minute silence either for personal prayer or reflection. The ceremony is accompanied by tracks of music which hold special meaning to Andrew and the family. And lastly we will then end with a formal farewell and some final words. There is a collection today for those of you who wish to leave a donation in memory of Linda and you can do this at the end of the ceremony on route to the flower garden. All donations will go towards a seat which will be placed in Linda’s memory at a place where she shared many happy times with Andrew and where she also made many new friends, Lakeside Farm near Spilsby. Andrew would like me to remind you, that you are all welcome to join with him, Lee, James and all the family at the ‘Bull’ in Bracebridge Heath following the service where you can continue this celebration of Linda’s life and perhaps share with them, your own special memories of her. When someone we love dies, especially, one so young as Linda, we are faced with trying to understand the meaning of life. The following words maybe of comfort and are read for us now by Katie: We little knew that morning That God would call your name. In life we loved you dearly, in death we do the same. It broke our hearts to lose you, You did not go alone for part of us went with you the day God called you home. You left us beautiful memories your love is still our guide, and though we can not see you you are always at our side. Our family and friend chain is broken and nothing seems the same but as God calls us one by one the chain will link again. But Linda, if tears could build a stairway and memories a lane every one of us would walk right up to heaven and bring you back home again. sleep tight my dear friend best friend, until we meet again love you always xx Katie * There are no words adequate; no words can come near, to soften the blow when we are faced with the shock of death especially when we loose someone at such a premature age. There doesn’t seem to be any point in searching for meaning or sense, what there is, is great pain, often anger; certainly deep, deep sadness that such a thing as this can happen. Yet there is something that can never be taken away, however long or short a life may have been; something which is the best part of any life, it is the one thing which is remembered above any achievement: and that is the experience of giving and receiving love. There is no doubt at all, in my mind, that so much love flowed from the hearts of all of those who surrounded Linda, and no doubt what so ever that she responded to this love, and gave her love in return in her own very special and unique way. And as you look back and remember Linda’s life, don’t be afraid to smile at the very personal memories that she left behind, don’t be embarrassed to laugh at the funny little things that you recall, and above all, don’t be afraid to cry, because there can’t be anyone here today whose life is not richer for having known this very special lady. As each of us travel through our lives we entrust gifts of our self to those we share our life with. These are special gifts that no one can take away. Linda, I’m sure gave gifts of herself to you and though she’s gone, these precious gifts will remain close to the hearts of those to whom she has given them. It was only two weeks ago that Linda was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. When someone we love loses their life so quickly through an illness like this, we question how could this happen, why this should be, Linda never knowingly hurt anyone so why must this happen? We’ll most likely never know the answers, but can only take some comfort in knowing that out of pain comes strength, and out of suffering comes peace. And now we are going to hear from some of Linda’s family and friends as they give their tribute to this special lady. * Tributes Paul to speak We’re not here to mourn the loss of a daughter, sister, wife, mother or friend. We’re here to remember how happy ours lives have been so far with Linda being an integral part of it. First my sister had a great sense of humour .with that in mind, according to most case studies, peoples top fear is public speaking with number 2 being death, so given that statistic Linda is having a good laugh looking down and seeing me quaking in my boots about now .So thanks Sis. So what do I say about my Sister? I can say without doubt that she loved Andrew and their 2 sons and grandson beyond measure. That she valued her family and the close bonds that this pulled in .That she was loyal, decent and kind. She loved a joke and she loved a big hug and she liked brussel sprouts more than anyone else I’ve ever met .Was she perfect? ER NO. Was she good? Absolutely .Will we miss her? Always .Is she happy now looking down on us all I would like to think so Linda went through life with a smile and had an infectious laughter that would brighten a dark day. As a child Linda always loved her hair and Mother would spend hours in the evening tying bits of cloth in her hair before she went to bed to make ringlets which of course we would make fun of as she would look like a rag doll at night and in the morning after all the cloth was taken out would look like Shirley Temple. Thank you for joining us today, and thank you for loving my sister. Paul (Linda’s brother) * Celebrant to read on behalf of Viv and all at Waterloo House I first met Linda in 2001 when she started back at Waterloo House. We instantly hit it off that was the type of girl Linda was. Over the coming years Linda, Andrew and the boys became good friends. I used to work evening shifts with Linda, Julie and Lizzie and if the boss could have seen what we got up too …………………well there’s another story.Linda was a caring person who always had time for everyone. You would never hear her say a bad word about anyone. She always had a smile on her face at work. We always had a laugh and I think that Lizzie and Julie have fond memories of spraying colleagues with water while on the loo and filling staff pockets with talc and cream. We even hid under duvets and hung teddies in the lift to scare each other.They were the good days. Linda left waterloo house in 2006 to work at Lincoln County Hospital. I followed her in 2007 and we worked together on the same unit. There Linda made many friends. The thing we all remember most about her was her smile, the fun times and most of all the most dirtiest but infectious laugh. I know I can say this on behalf of all her friends and colleagues who have had the pleasure of working with, knowing and having her as a good friend that Linda will be so sadly missed but always remembered. If you were ever feeling down think of that smile. God bless you Linda * Read by Celebrant on behalf on Penny and Belinda One of the saddest moments is when you loose a friend but friendship doesn’t end at death, its eternal. Many years we have been a friend to Linda and this has left us with so many wonderful memories. We would go horse racing and she loved a little flutter on the horses; she didn’t always win but she enjoyed it. Afterwards, we would head into town, Linda always wore the sensible flat shoes; Penny and Belinda high heels. And Linda would always offer her shoes to us as we could hardly walk so Linda would walk back bare foot because that’s the caring person she was. On Belindas hen night Linda got the nickname Challenenge Anika as, bursting for the loo, she hurdled a four foot wall to get to the toilet and we all laughed about it many years later. For Linda’s 40th birthday Andrew had arranged a surprise party for her and it was up to us to keep her busy that day so Andrew, family and friend’s could put plans into place for. She was over the moon but what Andrew had organised we got a slap on the wrist for. The last time we went out on a girl’s night it was the thing most talked about (Andrew you take a lovely picture lol) and how we were looking forward to Penny’s 40th (it’s not going to be same without you there in person Linda). We will raise several glasses that night for you Linda, as she always liked a good drink when she was out but never went over the top. Linda was always so willing to help anyone. Her judgement and wisdom so well thought out and helpful; she was a great gal and we know our lives will never be the same without you Linda. We could never find a more caring friend like you. You were simply the best * Poem read by Carole on behalf of April, Sue and all on EAU ward where Linda worked Linda would not want us to mourn her, she would want us to remember the good times we all had together. The laughter we all shared, the shifts we had at work, good and bad, Lindas laugh, her colourful socks and her colourful personality. She was caring, helpful and one of the nicest people you could ever wish to meet and we are all grateful to have had her in our lives. We all have many memories of her and they will never fade, she will be sadly missed. We found a poem which reminded us of Linda. A poem for Linda When God saw you getting tired and a cure was not to be, he put his arms around you and whispered come to me. He didnt like what you went through, and he gave you a rest, his garden must be beautiful as he only takes the best. And when he saw you sleeping, so peaceful and free from pain, we wouldnt wish you back to suffer that again. Today we say goodbye. And as you take your final rest, that garden must be beautiful, because you are the best * Katie to speak on behalf of Andrew Linda my wife and best friend, I first met Linda at Ritzy night club in Lincoln Dec 1988 Linda and her friend Lorna where pinching mine and my mates Reuben’s buns well we had to do something about it the plan was i would ask Lorna and he would ask Linda but as we walked across Linda smiled at me and that smile attracted me towards her tuff mate I changed my mind this one is mine For that Christmas she bought me a lighter which i lost with in a day i got her a teddy which i pinched of my sister Della i did tell Linda this several years later and still has the teddy The may the following year Linda went on holiday to Mablethorpe with her sister Jacqueline i went to visit them and yes we had a bit of passion in the sand dunes we had planned to go to the cinema that night but Linda fainted just as we were getting tickets yes she was pregnant Lee don’t know if we told you this you were a sand dune baby anyway cut a long story short i did the right thing and married Linda she 18 i was 20 i don’t think anyone thought it would last we were young struggling for money often we would fall out Linda would start walking back to her mum and dad and i would go crying to my mum and dad but she always came back and sorted things out In in 1984 James came along diagnosed as partly death and ADHD he was a handful and caused us a few problems but the last few years has sorted himself out and been my rock the last few weeks Linda would have been proud. Well we struggled on we were having less and less arguments and enjoying life after a difficult start Linda loved her holidays weather it was this country or aboard but i don’t like flying when we did fly i would hold her hand tightly till it was blue so most of our holiday were spent in the England Linda found it easy to make friends she never had a bad word to say about anyone and they all love her back and will always be remembered by that smile and that infectious famous dirty laugh Two or three years ago Linda started to have problems lost self esteem she was very low and lost confidence and we had just got her though this when more heart ache was to follow she lost her dad who she cherished but with mine and family help got though it this brings me to lakeside farm not fishing trips she always told her work mates but a naturist camp site a place to get you’re kit of and roam free we both decided we needed to do something different to boost Linda’s confidence so we booked in best thing we ever did met so many good friends there as soon as then gates open it like going into the secret garden you are all the same weather your thin large rich or poor you are the same with no clothes on no one judges you yes you get one or two ideas who think it’s a chance to perv and try to be up to no good but one word to Vera or Tony and they are kicked out we met so many good friends there Jill and Howard, Tom and Karan, Nat and Ness Sue and Andrew Joan and Allan Phil and Karan posh mike and Trevor so many to mention and not forgetting lee katie Ruby and little sunny who we have spent many a good laugh with at lakeside and at there house( you will have to answer the door to the pizza man now Katie in the buff) Linda loved there it and many a good time in the hot tub and in the evening dancing and chatting in the hut and if it wasn’t for Vera and Tony this special pace wouldn’t exist and brought so many happy memories for Linda and I (Vera start recruiting after I want 20 per cent commission) my mum first on the list I’ve got so many people to thank all the family who have pulled together, Sue and Andrew for the loan of caravan All on eau hospital ward where Linda worked thanks for the meals and your support April and Sue for been there for us both all at ralegh my work( oh and zippy i got another weeks holiday to book before Christmas) And Viv Linda best friend for your shoulder to cry on and who has been there for us both all the time If I’ve forgotten anyone I’m sorry but I would like to thank you all for been here on this sad day I know you will miss her and she had so many good friends But the biggest thank you is to Linda for our two sons lee who himself gave us a lovely grandson Liam who we both adore and James am not saying what you use to call him I thank you for putting up with me for my stressing my mistakes I’ve made though out the years and my smelly socks and all the other annoying habits I had you didn’t like love you Linda she would have replied ‘loved you more’ well I’m saying ‘love you lots more’ i will properly have relationships as i know you want me to carry on with my life you will always be my wife and my number one thank you Linda God bless and keep smiling * Music ‘Miss You Night’ by Westlife * A long and happy life is something that most of us would wish for those we love, but there are special people like Linda who have shared their happiness, and used their length of days to bring joy and love into the lives of others. They are people whose footprints cannot be matched. If we could all take a minute to remember Linda * Minute Silence ‘That’s What Friends are For’ by Dionne Warwick curtains to be left open * Grief can fill our hearts and encompass every part of our lives, and Linda’s family will know how this feels today, as they bid her goodbye. But hopefully, little by little the happy memories will surface and the grief will slowly subside. May Linda’s love of life strengthen her family in their sorrow and help them on their path to acceptance. Remember, that the bonds that tie us in life to those we love can never be broken. Think of all the good times you had together and not forgetting the difficult times that you shared with her too. Linda will continue to live on through your memories and will always be a part of your life. May you find comfort, richness and example in all those many memories. May you find strength and support in your love for one another and may you find peace in your hearts. You can shed tears that Linda has gone, or you can smile because she has lived. You can close your eyes and hope that she will come back, or you can open your eyes and see all that she has left. Your heart can be empty because you can’t see her, or you can be full of the love that you shared. You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday, or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday. You can remember Linda and only that she is gone, or you can cherish her memory and let it live on. You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back, or you can do what she would want smile, open your eyes, love and go on. * Music ‘I Would Walk Five Hundred Miles’ by The Proclaimers
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 12:14:46 +0000

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