Lindsey Graham voted to raise the debt ceiling. He voted to fund - TopicsExpress


Lindsey Graham voted to raise the debt ceiling. He voted to fund Obamacare. He does what he thinks will appease Barack Obama and he has proven over and over that he could care less what the people of South Carolina want. He has made himself, like many others in Washington, wealthy at our expense. We the tax paying public are in a battle for our future and the future of our children and yet Lindsey Graham is one who has proven that they are more concerned with postponing the financial issues rather than doing what they were elected to do. Instead of tackling the big issues. Lindsey Graham has been sucked in by Democrats to do everything that is wrong for our financial disasters. He is a major player in a “do-nothing” Congress. He just wants to get along with everyone. That is fine as long as the job is getting done. Getting along is not good if the ones that we are trying to get along with are fleecing us at every turn. It is time we hire someone who will take a stand for the tax payers of South Carolina. While we have leaders like Senator Ted Cruz and Senator Tim Scott fighting doing what they can to stop the overreaching programs of the Obama administration Lindsey Graham supports the Obama administration. While some in both the Congress and the Senate understand that Social Security to those who have paid for years into the program are not receiving an entitlement, but returns of their investment into a pension plan, Lindsey Graham thinks all of Social Security is part of the entitlements that are driving this nation into the ground. The Social Security Trust Fund is financial in trouble only because those in Washington like Lindsey Graham have taken our money out for their personal political use in doing favors for special interest and replacing that money with Treasure notes that are as worthless as Lindsey Graham. So if you are tired of a Senate that has no balanced budget and is hell bent on turning our nation into a socialist nation then vote for someone other than Lindsey Graham. Learn who on the ticket stands for what you want and vote for them. It ain’t Lindsey Graham.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 21:15:50 +0000

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