Line: Earn 1.04 in 7 hours. You Dare? wmturls/MyCashBot - TopicsExpress


Line: Earn 1.04 in 7 hours. You Dare? wmturls/MyCashBot #FinancialFreedom Industries Of Washington DC Industries are the most important component of the economy of the nation. The survival of a nation depends upon the goods it produces and the revenue it generates from them. Industries also play a very important role in meeting the demands of the people in an area. Thus if the industries do not work well the state can never be prosperous and will have to beg others to fulfill its needs. Washington DC is one of the biggest industrial states in the USA. With the growth in and development of economy Washington has developed a number of the industries. Many different types of the industries exist here. Like in other parts of America Washington DC excels in the field of aeronautics. Aeronautics is one of the massive industries that generate a lot of revenue for USA they provide the aeroplanes to the international airlines of many countries. Especially the Asian airlines are much dependent on America for their needs. They also buy the war planes from America. In this manner these industries are playing a major role in maintaining the safety of these countries. Not only the State capital rules the skies but also is the king of the oceans. Washington leads the shipbuilding industry too. They produce a number of ships and marines that do not only fulfill the needs of America but also of the other countries. Other important industry that flourishes here is electronics. The American goods are no match in durability and design. China offers the greatest competition to America by providing the world with the cheap goods. But they are no match to America in quality. Almost any kind of the electronic equipment is produced here. Washington ranks second in the world in manufacturing computers. Computers have got a great application in the world and now adays nothing in the world is possible without them. Everyday newer variety of the computers are introduced. It has move from the age of large main frame computers to the age of laptops and I pads. Tablets have also been introduced which are becoming increasingly popular. Thus Washingtons contribution in this regard is enormous. Tourism is one of the biggest industries of the Americas Capital because it houses a large number of monumements, parks, museums and theatres which are very much popular and people come here from all over the world to see these places and in this manner earn a lot of revenue for the State. Washington DC has many cloth industries where some of the finest cloth of the world is produced. Washington is famous for its cotton cloth industry. In those parts of the country where the weather is hot, people wear these cotton cloths. Other important and flourishing industries in Washington are food processing industries. These industries include milling flour, and tea and coffee producing industries. Washington is one of the greatest food producer and processor states these foods are than packed in the tins and are sent abroad for export. All these industries are providing jobs to many people and in this way contributing to the overall economy of the country. Visit Dulles Airport Car Service, Taxi Alexandria, VA
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 00:52:09 +0000

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