LinkedIn is truly a powerful tool to get your information out to - TopicsExpress


LinkedIn is truly a powerful tool to get your information out to the world...but many are not using it correctly. I have a few SUGGESTIONS to thicken up your LinkedIn profiles for better Networking and hopefully RESULTS... 1. Fill out your profile completely and neatly (proofread for typos). Use a NICE CLEAN HI RES PICTURE (not one picking your nose, hitting on a bong, or a bathroom selfie with a toilet in the background). Put up not only Experience / Education, but Goals, Project links, Skills (important), Awards, Certifications, Interests, Volunteering & Causes, Languages, etc. We are all PEOPLE FIRST, not robots. I love to work with like-minded cool people who love what they do - I bet you do too :) 2. Go through your settings and open up your profiles for connection requests. I cannot tell you how many students / Alumni look at my profile and when I try to connect with them, I get a big fat window requiring an email address to be entered. That is slamming the door in the face of a potential employer (I walk away from those because 9 out of 10 times I do not have an email addy for that person). OPEN UP and ALLOW CONNECTIONS!! 3. Turn off Anonymous Browsing (I call it Peeping Tom Mode). We are all in the Entertainment Business where networking and keeping communication channels open 24/7 is GOOD FOR BUSINESS so show people who you are and be confident in your abilities. 4. Start writing up LinkedIn REFERRALS for your fellow classmates / Alumni that you know are doing good work. It is just good business and good Karma (they will probably reciprocate if you worked together) to praise a colleague for work well done. I personally READ THESE when looking at profiles and sometimes contact the referral writer for more input when making a decision on a hire. Thats a good place to start...
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 16:44:34 +0000

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