Lions, Tigers, and Bears (shut up) dont belong in homes. I could - TopicsExpress


Lions, Tigers, and Bears (shut up) dont belong in homes. I could do a whole round about whether or not releasing them into the wild is a viable or good option, but my only concern at this moment is that people understand that a cat (BIG CAT) in a homes backyard or wherever is one of the cruelest and dumbest things you could do for not only the animal, but yourself and your family. The likelihood of you being able to properly maintain a safe and comfortable habitat for such an animal (which by the way will get very lonely and depressed without a companion, so youre already signing up for two animals if you plan on doing it right) is slim to none. Seriously... it takes hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars and the amount of time dedicated to a career. So do me a favor. Stop posting photos and videos of baby beasts (that doesnt mean they arent lovable or adorable or affectionate) playing with dogs and people and saying its cute. Unless, of course, said video exhibits an animal care professional or a proper enclosure. Stop ignoring the very real issue being quietly battled in all areas of the globe. Turn off your Aww its so fuzzy! impulse for a hot second and be a responsible individual. Because the more you post those videos of those animals being cared for by normal people... the more people think its possible to own one in the same way you own a small feline or dog. And since one in every 1000 or so idiots has enough money to do something stupid... (Ive known two people personally with stories of owning such kinds of pets) ...its possible that someone in your huge Facebook friends list is capable of this actual and real form of Animal Cruelty. Care begins with Knowledge. Respect requires Care. Life depends on Respect.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 19:48:10 +0000

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