Liow faces MCA’s Chinese dilemma? Jul 7, 2014 YOURSAY ‘I - TopicsExpress


Liow faces MCA’s Chinese dilemma? Jul 7, 2014 YOURSAY ‘I dont want to say I agree or disagree,’ said Liow. What are you afraid of?’ Liow: DPMs May 13 warning just reminder Ksn: MCA president Liow Tiong Lai, will you ask DPM Muhyiddin Yassin in the next cabinet meeting who are the non-Malays threatening Islam in Malaysia and threatening the future of the Malays? It is clear that you do not have the guts, being MCA boss - the second biggest party in BN - to even say you disagree with Muhyiddin. Ask PM Najib Razak if a statement such as this from his deputy contributes to the harmony and unity of our people, when what he said is nothing but intimidation of the non-Malays just like what Perkasa and Isma have been doing? Kindly read Penang CM Lim Guan Engs comments on Muhyiddins uncalled for threat to the non-Malays with his May 13 statement. What are you non-Umno parties doing in BN, giving credence to the DPMs abusive threat? Abasir: I dont want to say whether I agree or disagree, said Liow. Why? What are you afraid of? Is this what we may call MCA’s Chinese dilemma? Speaking Sense: It is not a reminder, Liow. It is an unfounded attack on all those who are against the extremist racial and religious interests in Umno and its allies. If Liow does not have the guts to say what he thinks about the DPMs irresponsible remarks, then it is better for him to shut up and enjoy being a minister. We dont need more Chinese apologists for Umno. Single Malt: Liow said Malaysians must all unite to fight extremists and militants. Who are these extremists and militants? Are you trying to say that anyone who opposes Umno and BN are extremists and militants? I dont see anyone else fitting that definition. Slumdog: Liow said, “A lot of extremists are taking this opportunity to destabilise the country.” In that case, Liow, you and your Umno miscreants have a responsibility to identify who is trying to destabilise the country and take action against them. Don’t simply make spurious accusations and not back it up with evidence and in the process foment racial fear. These extremists are, as most rakyat would suspect, non-existent and imaginary enemies of the state. Casey: The truth is: only shallow minded bigots resort to May 13 as a threat and hold the nation to ransom. Perhaps, Najib believes in the statistical theory of numerical superiority? That if you give 61 monkeys - designation of minister and deputy minister notwithstanding - computers and set them to work, would they eventually come up with the complete works of Shakespeare? Now, spineless and servile sycophant Liow has just fortified what we already know; that it isnt true. MCA and Gerakan often speak of virtue, reason and honour; but they do not translate any of these ideals into action. I cant fathom how much lower can this congregation of servile politicians stoop - willing to be used, willing to be abused. Fair Play: Liow, look at it this way. If you have strongly objected to what the DPM said or had countered him, we, the right-thinking rakyat, might have fainted out of sheer terror of your ferocity. Anonymous_40f4: MCA, MIC and other mosquito BN parties are scared of Umno. It is best they admit it and start kissing Muhyiddin’s hand every time they see him. Iiiizzzziiii: There are many ways to remind the people over the May 13 incident, but the manner in which it was put across by the DPM sounded more like a very subtle threat to the non-Muslims. Why keep repeating this over and over again? There are so many NGOs making inflammatory statements nowadays and yet the government is not doing anything about it. By keeping an elegant silence, the government may have given out the wrong signal to the perpetrators that it is condoning and supporting them. For the DPM to make this kind of statement seems to beg answers to questions such as what is the objective of making such a statement and who is the targeted audience? And for Liow not to seek clarification over the statement from the DPM only shows and confirms MCA leaders are not representing anyone except themselves. Takeiteasy: Malaysia doesnt belong to one particular race. Threats of this kind, of May 13, will not work anymore. The killing of people and burning of houses are happening in many places in the world everyday. If leaders of the country suggest this may happen and do nothing about it, then he or she could be the ones to want the incident to happen so that he or she could take advantage of it and rise up politically - just like what happened in 1969. Ex-PJ: If Liow chooses to support a person that issue threats to the people of the country, especially his own community, he is not fit to be a leader. Casey919: No wonder MCA has only 18 percent of Chinese votes in GE13. With this type of leadership, they may be lucky to get only eight percent votes in GE14. Jiminy Qrikert: For once, Liow is telling the truth. Every time Umno issues a veiled threat of a possible repeat of May 13, it is, as Liow says, a reminder to us all. It is reminding all Chinese Malaysians that MCA is a totally useless political party that is impotent to object to such threats of harm to the Chinese community by Umno. It is also a timely reminder to all Chinese Malaysians to bury MCA at the next GE14. Cry, My Beloved Country: This also reminds me of those medicine men in Petaling Street. The medicine man makes a statement to his group of listeners. His assistant beats a gong and repeats his masters invocation in a different tone. Together they make a good team. Indeed, Petaling Street is for you, Liow. • The above is a selection of comments posted by Malaysiakini subscribers. Only paying subscribers can post comments. Over the past one year, Malaysiakinians have posted over 100,000 comments. Join the Malaysiakini community and help set the news agenda. • These comments are compiled to reflect the views of Malaysiakini subscribers on matters of public interest. Malaysiakini does not intend to represent these views as fact.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 02:28:13 +0000

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