Lisa, I was recently made aware that you had contacted a mutual - TopicsExpress


Lisa, I was recently made aware that you had contacted a mutual friend of ours via facebook and proceeded to enlighten him on our history together. You told him how both you and I were married when we got together and you also told him that I often fail to mention that to people. First of all when we got together my wife had left me and she had been gone for 5 months before we became involved. I have never kept that a secret from anyone and yes you were still living with your husband when you left him for me. I was also informed that you stated your entire family hated me the entire time we were together. You know as well as I do the entire time we were together you and your family with the exception of your father could not get along for any considerable length of time. In fact you know how jealous your sisters were of each other and even us. Did you forget about your fathers funeral and how we were treated like second class citizens and how everything that your father wanted you to have ended up going to your sister. Did you forget how you were never the favorite even before we got together your family treated you like crap and used you. Did you forget how you were used and got the blame for your sister cheating on her husband when she got caught? I havent because I defended you and told Andy you had nothing in it. By the way I figured I would post these pictures so you could see how someone who hated me so much went out of her way to tell me what a good father I am. Also the info about you and your boyfriend moving in the trailer came from your mother as did the info about you and him picking up that bed. Your mother even had her friends offer to let me come to thier houses which are located near my brother in laws so I could get some good pictures of you and your boyfriend going for your daily walks. Bear in mind this is the same person who told me on several occasions on the phone that you were going to knock her off and move into her house (see her comment about ending up on boot hill). This is the same women who you told me cheated on your father with a preacher and how your father forbid her from ever attending that church again, remember that. I honestly dont know or care if any of that is true I can only attest to what I do know and that is up until 2 months ago any information I got about you came directly from your mother, an individual who you said hated me. Funny if she hated me so much what did she really think about you when she was telling me all your secrets. I have all the texts so I can back up what Im saying. Why you chose to contact our friend puzzles me because you can take time to contact him but not your children or grandchildren. You do not have to justify your actions to anyone except for maybe our children and grandchildren so please do not feel the need to contact our friends and enlighten them on our history together. I for one only care about how my children feel about me and anyone else who knows the type of person I am knows Im not the wife beating child abusing cop that I have been acused of being. If anyone has thier doubts ask our children they will not lie for either you or I and if I am such a monster why did you choose to leave Morgan with me. Just saying.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 21:33:03 +0000

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